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How to limit Google Chrome Cache Size in Windows

If Google Chrome is using a lot of disk space for cache, follow these steps to limit Google Cache size in Windows 10.

Every time you visit a website in the Chrome browser, it will cache that site. When you visit the same website next time, Chrome will use the previously cached data to load that website faster. For a majority of users, this is a good thing because the web browsing experience will be faster and snappier.

However, left to its own devices, Google Chrome will use a lot of storage space for caching. On my computer, Chrome uses more than 6GB for caching purposes.

If you don’t like this behavior and would like to limit Chrome cache size, follow the below steps. The steps shown below will work in Windows 7 and 8 too.

Limit Chrome cache size in Windows 10

These are the steps you should follow to limit the Chrome cache size.

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Search for “Google Chrome” and open it.
  3. After opening it, right-click on the Chrome icon in the taskbar.
  4. In the list, right-click on “Google Chrome” and select “Properties“.
    Select chrome properties
  5. In the “Target” field, add --disk-cache-size=1073741824 flag at the end of the file path.
  6. Click on the “Ok” button to save the changes.
    Chrome add disk cache size flag


  • 1073741824 in step 5 is 1 GB in bytes. If you want to, you can replace it with any amount of space. For instance, to restrict the Google Chrome cache size to just 300MB, replace 1073741824 with 314572800. Use this website for byte conversions.
  • The limit you set using the “–disk-cache-size” flag is just a suggestion. i.e, it is not a hard limit. If Chrome reaches the limit you set and it needs a bit more to properly store the cache, it will round up the cache size to accommodate the data.
  • This trick is limited to the current Chrome profile only. If you have multiple Chrome profiles, you need to set the cache size for each profile individually.

Steps to See Current Chrome Cache Size

If you are interested, you can see how much space Chrome is currently using for caching. Follow the steps shown below to find the current Google Chrome cache size.

  1. Press “Win + R” to open the Run dialog box.
  2. In the blank field, type “%localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default”.
  3. Click on the “Ok” button.
  4. In the File Explorer, find the “Cache” folder.
  5. Right-click on the “Cache” folder and select “Properties”.
  6. In the properties window, you will see the cache size next to “Size”.

The cache size you see in the properties is the full cache size of Google Chrome for your Windows user account. Each Windows user account has its own cache folder. If you have multiple Windows users and want to see cache sizes of those other accounts, you need to follow the same steps after logging in to those Windows user accounts.

That all there is to do. You’ve successfully changed the Google Chrome cache size in Windows 10. When you want to remove the cache limit on Chrome, just remove the disk-cache-size flag in the target field and you are good to go.

I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible. If you like this article check out how to rename Chrome tabs.

8 thoughts on “How to limit Google Chrome Cache Size in Windows”

  1. Avatar for pippo

    chrome://net-internals/#httpCache doesn’t work on Google Chrome 73.0.3683.86. It redirects to chrome://net-internals/#events

    1. Avatar for Kristiawan

      The net-internals events viewer and related functionality has been removed. Please use chrome://net-export to save netlogs and the external catapult netlog_viewer to view them.

      Like this.

  2. Avatar for wschloss

    I found my cache here; C:\Users\wschloss\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache
    Would be great to have similar information for Firefox and other browsers

  3. Avatar for Eppe

    When I copied the command from this page it didn’t work. Turns out it has some sort of dash sign (–) at the beginning instead of a minus sign (-), the latter one being a bit smaller (I hope the difference show up in my comment). So if you copy and paste instead of manually type the whole thing, replace the first character with an actual minus sign and it should work.

    1. Avatar for Bashkarla

      It supposed to be --. However, it looks like it got messed up after publishing the post.
      Thanks for letting me know. I’ve corrected and added proper tags so that it doesn’t happen again.

  4. Avatar for Ricardo

    When you mention this limit is per “Profile” are you talking about Window users(Logins) or Chrome Profiles?
    I have one windows User with 7 Chrome Profile that I use at the same time. I got a RAMDisk that I want to point all of my Chrome Profiles’ Cache to.

    Will changing all of my Launch Shortcuts and Registry by adding “–disk-cache-dir=”R:\Cache” –disk-cache-size=104857600″ move all of my profiles cache location & Limit?

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