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FIXED: Minecraft Unable to Connect to World Error in Windows 10


The network loopback restriction causes the “Minecraft unable to connect to World” error. Here are the steps you should follow to fix it asap.

I play Minecraft almost regularly. It is one of my favorite games. Though the Minecraft Windows 10 edition is pretty limited compared to the full-fledged Java version, I still love my Minecraft world.

Being a regular player, Minecraft is one of the few applications that I open almost every day. However, when I tried to open the Minecraft game recently, I was greeted with an error saying Minecraft is “Unable to connect to world”. This is strange for me because I played the game just the other day.

After some digging around in the Windows Firewall and a few Minecraft forums, I got to know that the problem is due to the network loopback restriction faced by many Windows 10 UWP apps installed from Microsoft store.

So to fix Minecraft’s’ unable to connect to world’ error, all you have to do is add a loopback exception for the Windows 10 Minecraft app. It is pretty easy to do and will solve the unable to connect to world error almost instantly.

Let me show how to add loopback exception to fix the error in Minecraft.

Fix Minecraft ‘Unable to Connect to World’ Error

1. Open PowerShell as admin. On Windows, you can do that by searching for “PowerShell” in the Start menu and selecting the “Run as administrator” option.

2. Get Minecraft package name with the below PowerShell command.

Get-AppxPackage | Select-String -Pattern "Minecraft"

3. Copy the output string. This is the Minecraft package name and we need it in the next command.

4. Add loopback exception to Windows 10 Minecraft game with the below command. Replace the dummy package name with the actual package name you got in the above command.

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n="MINECRAFT_PACKAGE_NAME"

fix Minecraft unable to connect to world

5. (optional) Execute the next command to check if the loopback exception is added or not.

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -c

6. Close the PowerShell window once the loopback exception is added.

7. Reboot Windows.

After rebooting, try starting the Windows 10 Minecraft game. It should start normally and you can play with your friends either on the local network or on the internet without any problems.

Wrapping up: Minecraft unable to connect to world error

As you can see, it is pretty easy to fix the problem. All you need to do is execute a couple of commands and you are done.

If you are still seeing the error, make sure your router is configured properly, your network settings are configured properly, there are no blocking rules or conflicting rules in the Windows firewall, and there is an active internet connection to play online games.

To remove the loopback exception, open PowerShell as admin and execute the below command. Replace the dummy package name with the actual package name.

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -d -n="MINECRAFT_PACKAGE_NAME"

That is all. I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible.

If you like this article, check out how to find Windows 10 Minecraft save location.

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