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How to Download Windows 10 Lock Screen Wallpaper (Windows Spotlight)

Found an awesome Windows Spotlight lock screen wallpaper? Here’s a simple way to find and download lock screen wallpaper in Windows.

If there is one thing you cannot deny is that Bing shows some of the best wallpapers. From nature, culture, tech, to people, Bing wallpapers are diverse and plentiful. Simply put, you will love Bing wallpapers. By default, Windows 10 uses the Windows Spotlight feature to show Bing wallpapers on the lock screen. One of the best things about Windows Spotlight is that it changes the lock screen wallpaper almost every day. As you can guess, each and every day, you will see a beautiful lock screen wallpaper every time you lock the system.

The problem is, you cannot apply those Spotlight wallpapers on the desktop. So, if you like a lock screen wallpaper, Windows 10 doesn’t provide any easy way to apply it to the desktop too. In fact, no matter how much you search, you simply cannot find the lock screen wallpaper location.

So, in this quick post, let me show how you can download lock screen wallpaper in Windows 10. When I say lock screen wallpapers, I’m talking about the bundled lock screen wallpapers and dynamic lock screen wallpapers.

Download Lock Screen Wallpaper

Windows stores the lock screen wallpapers in two different locations. The included or bundled wallpapers are stored in one location and the dynamic Windows Stoplight wallpapers are stored in another location. I will show you both. Copy lock screen wallpaper from whichever location you want.

1. First, open the Run dialog box by pressing the keyboard shortcut Win + R.

Bundled lock screen wallpaper location

2. To find the bundled lock screen wallpapers, copy the below path, paste it in the blank field and press Enter.


3. In the folder, you will see three different folders full of high-quality Windows wallpapers. Go through the folders till you find the wallpaper you are looking for.


Windows Spotlight wallpaper location

2. Unlike the bundled lock screen wallpapers, the Windows Spotlight wallpapers stored in a completely different location that is hidden and hard to find. So, enter the following path in the Run command window field and click on the “Ok” button.

In case you are wondering, %localappdata% is a built-in Windows environment variable.


3. As soon as you click on the Ok the Assets folder will open. Here, you will see a bunch of files with no extension.


4. Copy all the files in the Assets folder, create a new folder on the desktop and paste them in that folder.


5. Since the files don’t have an extension, you cannot preview them. You need to manually add the .jpg extension to all of them. Thankfully, you can automate the process with a simple command. To do that, open the “Command Prompt” by searching for it in the start menu.

6. In the Command Prompt window, execute the below command to go to the new folder.

Note: If you copied the files to some other folder located in some other location then modify the path accordingly.

cd "%USERPROFILE%/desktop/New Folder"

7. Once you are in the folder, execute the below command. It will add a .jpg extension to all the files in that specific folder.

ren *.* *.jpg

You can instantly see the result in the folder. Go through each file until you find the Windows Spotlight wallpaper. To make things easier, change the view from “View → Large Icons”.


Keep in mind that, Windows automatically deletes the old Windows Spotlight wallpapers automatically. So, if you cannot find the wallpaper then it is highly possible that Windows has already deleted the wallpaper from the disk.

I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible. If you like this article, do check out how to automatically apply new Bing wallpaper every day in Windows.

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