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Disable Hibernation on Windows 11

Let’s learn how to disable hibernation on Windows 11. Even though you don’t see the hibernation option, Windows 11 still uses it in the background for Hybrid Sleep. In case you don’t know, whenever you put your system to sleep, Windows 11 automatically saves the current state to the disk so that even in the event of power loss, you can resume the system state. This is known as Hybrid Sleep. While useful, hibernation can take up a lot of disk space. To check how much space hibernation is using on Windows 11, open the Settings app and go to the System > Storage > Show more categories > System Reserved page. You will find the space used by hibernation under the “Hibernation file” section.

Windows 11 hibernation file size stats

If you are low on disk space, don’t want to use hibernation, or if hibernation is causing compatibility problems, follow the steps given below to turn off hibernation on Windows 11 and claim back the used disk space.

Disable Hibernation on Windows 11 from Command Prompt

Using a simple powercfg command, you can turn off hibernation on Windows 11. Here’s how:

Step 1: First, right-click on the Start icon and choose the Windows Terminal (Admin) option.

open Windows terminal as admin Windows 11

Step 2: Press Yes in the UAC prompt.

Step 3: In the Terminal window, type powercfg -h off and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

command to disable hibernation on Windows 11

Step 4: You will not see any response or output in the Terminal window but the Hibernation feature is disabled on Windows 11.

Step 5: Close the Terminal window.

Step 6: Restart the computer to apply the hibernation changes.

Disable Hibernation on Windows 11 from Registry

As an alternative method, you can also turn off the Windows 11 hibernation feature from the Registry Editor. Follow the steps provided below:

Step 1: Open the Registry Editor by typing regedit in the Run window (Win + R).

regedit run command to open registry editor

Step 2: Go to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power” folder in the registry editor.

Step 3: Right-click on the “HibernateEnabledDefault” on the right panel.

Windows hibernation registry value

Step 4: Select the Modify option.

Step 5: Change value data from 1 to 0.

Step 6: Click the OK button to save the value change.

change value data from 1 to 0 to disable hibernation on Windows 11

Step 7: Close the Registry Editor window.

Step 8: Restart your Windows 11 computer.

Once the computer has been rebooted (restarted), the registry changes are applied and the hibernation is fully disabled on Windows 11.


Whether you use a command or modify the registry, turning off hibernation on Windows 11 is quite easy. Even with hibernation disabled, you can still put your system to sleep by right-clicking on the start icon and selecting the “Shut down or sign out > Sleep” option. However, one thing to keep in mind is that if there is a power loss after you put your system to sleep, you’ll lose the saved system state. That means you’ll cold starting your computer. So, make sure you save all your work before entering the sleep mode.

I hope this simple and easy tutorial helped you change the hibernation status to off on Windows 11.

If you are stuck or need help, send an email, and I will try to help as much as possible.

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