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All Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts


You can create and navigate between virtual desktops using shortcuts. Here’s a list of Windows 10 virtual desktop keyboard shortcuts.

Microsoft added the much-requested Virtual Desktops feature in Windows 10 long back. To create a virtual desktop, all you have to is open the Task View menu and click the “New Desktop” button. You can create as many virtual desktops as you want and even rename them for better organization. When needed, you can move between virtual desktops directly from the task view menu. However, to make things easier, you can also use virtual desktop keyboard shortcuts.

Compared to using the task view menu, the keyboard shortcuts make it a lot easier to create, close, or change virtual desktops with a single shortcut. In this quick and simple article, let me share with you the Windows 10 virtual desktop shortcuts.

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop in Task View – Full Virtual Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut list:

Note: Windows key is nothing but the key with the Start button logo () on your keyboard. Also, the Ctrl key means the “Control” key. The control key is usually denoted by “Ctrl” on your keyboard.

1. Windows Key + Ctrl Key + D

Pressing this shortcut will open a new virtual desktop to the right of the current desktop. In the case of multiple virtual desktops, the new one will be the last on the right side.

2. Windows Key + Ctrl Key + Left Arrow Key

This shortcut lets you navigate to the left virtual desktop. If there is no virtual desktop to the left of the current desktop then this shortcut will not do anything.

3. Windows Key + Ctrl Key + Right Arrow Key

This shortcut lets you navigate to the right virtual desktop. If there is no virtual desktop to the right of the current desktop then this shortcut will not do anything.

4. Windows Key + Ctrl Key + F4

To open the current virtual desktop, just press the Windows Key + Ctrl Key + F4. When you close the current virtual desktop, you will be automatically moved to the left virtual desktop or to the main desktop. If there is no virtual desktop to close, this shortcut will do nothing.

Also, if you press this shortcut on the main desktop with active virtual desktops to the right, it will automatically close the first available virtual desktop to the right.

5. Windows Key + Tab Key

This shortcut opens the Task View screen in Windows 10. From the task view screen, you can see all your opened apps on all virtual desktops. If needed, you can move program windows from one virtual desktop to another with a simple drag and drop action. Of course, you can also create & close virtual desktops and even rename them as needed.

6. Esc or Escape Key

When the task view screen is opened, you can close it by pressing the Escape key on your desktop. That is it. It does nothing more or less.

I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible. Here’re some more useful general Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts.

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