Have you ever found yourself scrolling through your Twitter feed, only to be unexpectedly bombarded by videos that start playing automatically? While Twitter autoplay videos can be entertaining when they are relevant to you, they are often more of a nuisance.
The good thing is, there are ways to control the Twitter autoplay video feature and either disable or enable it as needed. For example, you can disable the Twitter autoplay video feature if you don’t want media to play automatically and vice versa. Whether you are on the web or mobile, follow the steps outlined below to turn off or on Twitter autoplay videos.
Let’s get started.
Turn off Twitter autoplay video
To disable or turn off autoplay on Twitter, go to More > Settings and Support> Settings and Privacy page, and click on “Accessibility, display, and languages > Data usage.” Next, click on “Autoplay” and select the “Never” option.
Let’s see the steps in more detail:
First of all, open your favorite web browser and then open the Twitter website (https://twitter.com). If prompted, log into your Twitter account.
After that, click on the “More” option on the left sidebar. Next, click on the “Settings and Support > Settings and Privacy” option. This action opens the Twitter settings page.

On the Twitter settings page, navigate to the “Accessibility, display, and languages” tab on the sidebar and click on the “Data usage” option on the right panel.

Finally, click on “Autoplay” and select “Never” to turn off autoplay videos on Twitter. Your setting changes are automatically saved. You can close the Twitter settings page.

Turn on Twitter autoplay video
To enable or turn on autoplay videos on Twitter, go to the More > Settings and Support> Settings and Privacy page, and click on “Accessibility, display, and languages > Data usage.” Finally, click on “Autoplay” and select the “On cellular or Wi-Fi” option.

That is all. It is that simple to turn off Twitter autoplay video or turn it on.
I hope this simple and easy how-to guide helped you.
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