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2 Ways to Turn Off Live Captions on Chrome

Live captions are useful if you want a text description of the video and audio content playing on your screen. However, if you don’t want to use live captions or find it distracting, you can turn off live captions on Chrome with just a few clicks. Once turned off, you will not see a distracting captions bar at the bottom of your screen. Let’s get started.

Chrome Live Captions displaying real-time subtitles for a video on YouTube
Chrome Live Captions displaying real-time subtitles for a video on YouTube

Using Chrome Media Controller

If you’re watching or listening to media in Chrome, you’ll notice a small global media playback icon in the title bar. This icon allows you to control the audio or video you’re currently playing, such as playing, pausing, and skipping tracks. Click on the “Media Playback” icon (Chrome media playback icon) on the title bar and then turn off the “Live Captions” option to disable real-time subtitles on Chrome.

turn off live captions on Chrome using media playback panel

From Chrome Settings

Alternatively, you can disable live captions from Chrome settings. This method is useful if you don’t see the Media Playback icon.

To start, open the Chrome browser if it is not already open. Next, click on the “Menu” icon (Chrome menu icon) at the top and choose the “Settings” option to open the Chrome settings tab.

Click on “Accessibility” on the sidebar of the Settings tab and toggle the Live Captions option to OFF. Once you do this, the live subtitles are disabled and Chrome will not show them as video or audio content is playing.

turn off live captions in Chrome settings tab

It’s worth noting that Windows 11 includes a live captions feature that is way more feature-rich, customizable, and supports more languages other than English. The best thing is that Windows 11 live captions are global. That means it works regardless of which application is playing the audio content. So, if you don’t like using Chrome’s live captions but want live subtitles, try Windows 11 live captions.

I hope this small tutorial helped you get rid of Chrome live captions.

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