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How to Remove Start Backup Option in File Explorer

When you open specific user folders such as Desktop, Documents, Pictures, etc., you will see a new button called Start Backup in the File Explorer address bar. This button appears when you are not syncing user folders with OneDrive. Whether you use OneDrive or not, this button appears until you sync those user folders. However, if you don’t want to use OneDrive or sync those folders with OneDrive, we’ll show you a simple registry hack to remove the Start Backup option from the File Explorer address bar. Let’s get started.

start backup option in file explorer

Note: Before proceeding, back up your registry to be safe.

Steps to Remove Start Backup Option from File Explorer

First, open the Run dialog box by press Windows key + R.

In the Run window, enter regedit and click OK to launch the Registry Editor window.

regedit run command to open registry editor

Go to the following folder in the Registry Editor. You can paste the path in the registry’s address bar and press Enter.


go to OneDrive folder in the registry using the given path

Make the OneDrive folder is selected on the left sidebar. Next, right-click on the ‘StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncInfoSourceFactory‘ value and select Delete.

right-click on the string value and select delete

When you see the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

click yes

That’s it. If you open the File Explorer, you will not see the Start Backup option when you open the Documents, Desktop, Pictures, and other user folders.

Note: If you don’t see the change immediately, restart your computer.

start backup option remove from file explorer

Restore the Start Backup Option

Open the Registry Editor and go to the following folder in it.


Right-click on the OneDrive folder and select the New > String Value option.

Give ‘StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncInfoSourceFactory’ as the name of the new string value.

Next, double-click on the value and set its value data as ‘{07CA83F0-DF06-4E67-89DD-E80924A49512}‘ (including the curly brackets and excluding the quotation marks) and click OK.

With that, you’ve restored the option.

And there you have it. It’s that simple to hide or remove the start backup option.

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