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How to Set Individual DPI Scaling in Multi-Monitor Setup

When using a multi-monitor setup, you can set DPI scaling for each monitor individually. Here’s how to set DPI scaling in a multi-monitor setup.

One of the bigger Windows pain points is its DPI scaling. Depending on the monitor resolution and size, you have to set a proper DPI scaling to make Windows usable. The DPI scaling can be a bigger problem in multi-monitor setups. After all, thanks to the global work-from-home requirement these days, multi-monitor setups have become pretty common. One of the most popular combinations being the laptop connected to an external monitor.

Typically, Windows is pretty good at detecting the monitor size and resolution and setting the appropriate DPI scaling. The automatic DPI scaling is also applicable to the multi-monitor setup. This is true even when the monitors are of different resolutions and sizes.

If the automatic scaling is not working as intended, you can manually set DPI scaling for individual monitors in a multi-monitor setup. Thankfully, Windows 10 made it easy to set different DPI scaling for different monitors in a multi-monitor setup. Here’s how you can do it.

Steps to set individual DPI scaling in a multi-monitor setup

To change DPI scaling for multiple monitors, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Click on the “System” option.
  3. Select the “Display” tab on the sidebar.
  4. Select the monitor under the “Rearrange your displays section”.
  5. Choose the recommended DPI setting from the “Change the size of text, app, and other items” dropdown menu.
  6. If prompted, click the “Keep changes” button.

Detailed steps

1. First, open the Windows 10 settings app. You can do that by pressing the “Windows Key + I” keyboard shortcut. If needed, you can also search for “Settings” in the Start menu too.

2. In the Settings app, go to the “System” page. On the system page, click on the “Display” tab on the sidebar. As the name suggests, this is where you will find all the settings related to your display.

3. On the Display page, select the monitor for which you want to change the DPI scaling. Generally, “monitor 1” will be your main screen. In my case, I want to change the DPI scaling on the second monitor. So, I selected the number 2 monitor.


4. After selecting the monitor, scroll down and select the recommended DPI scaling from the “Change the size of text, app, and other items” dropdown menu. If needed, you can experiment with other DPI settings to see what works for you.


5. To confirm the changes, Windows might show a confirmation window. Click on the “Keep changes” button to confirm the new DPI scaling setting.

That is all. From now on, the monitor will have the new DPI scaling. If you have more monitors to set up, follow the same steps to set the DPI scaling for individual monitors. Some already opened applications might not recognize the DPI changes. In those cases, close and reopen the application.

Identify monitors

If you cannot determine which monitor number below to which monitor, you can make Windows identify them. On the Display page, click on the “Identify” button. As soon as you click the button, Windows will show big numbers as an overlay on your monitors. These numbers correspond to the monitor numbers on the Display page.


That is all. I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible.

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