If you encounter the password expiration notification The password for this account has expired, and prefer not to have your password automatically reset after a certain number of days, this guide is for you. We’ll show you how to stop Windows password from expiring and preventing automatic forced resets. Let’s get started.

Note: The below steps require administrative privileges. The steps are tested to work on Windows 10 and 11.
Check When Password Expires on Windows
To check when your password expires, press Windows key + X and select Terminal (Admin). Windows 10 users select Windows PowerShell (Admin). In the terminal window, type the following command and press Enter. Replace YourUsername with your actual username.
net user YourUsername
Take a look at the Password Expires row. It shows the next date when your password expires. If it says Never then your password never expires.

Enable Password Never Expires Option
Enabling the Password Never Expires option will prevent your password from expiring automatically and stop those unwanted expiration notifications. Here’s how to do it.
First, press Windows key + R. Type lusrmgr.msc and click OK.

Open the Users folder, right-click on the user account, and select Properties.

Select the Password Never Expires checkbox and click OK to save changes.

Close all windows and restart your computer. After restarting, your password will no longer expire and you will not see the password expiration notification. If you have more than one user account, follow the same steps for all those accounts.
Alternative Method: Command to Disable Password Expiry
If you can’t select the “Password Never Expires” option because it’s greyed out, or if the lusrmgr.msc
tool isn’t accessible on your version of Windows, you can use the following command.
To start off, open the Start menu, search for Command Prompt, right-click on it, and choose Run as Administrator.

Paste the following command and press Enter. Replace YourUsername with your actual username.
wmic path Win32_UserAccount where Name='YourUsername' set PasswordExpires=false

Close the Command Prompt window and restart your computer.
And there you have it! By following one of the two methods shown above, your Windows password will never expire and you will not see the frequent password expiry notifications when logging in. If you think a user’s password is too weak or has been leaked, you can force password change on next logon for that user.