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How to Enable “Do you want to close all tabs?” Prompt in Edge

Edge is the new and default browser in Windows that supports extensions and many other useful features.

Note: This guide is no longer applicable because Microsoft discontinued the old Edge browser in Windows 10 and 11. I’m leaving this guide here for archival purposes only.

By default, when you close Edge browser with multiple tabs, it will show a confirmation box asking, “Do you want to close all tabs?” This confirmation dialog gives you a chance to review opened tabs before closing the Edge browser.

Close All Tabs Promp In Edge

However, if you don’t want to see this prompt every time you close Edge, you can disable it by selecting the “Always close all tabs” option. When you choose this option, Edge will terminate all tabs without any prompt when clicking the close button. The best thing about this option is that it allows you to close Edge quickly.

Once you disable the prompt, there is no option in Edge settings to re-enable it. That doesn’t mean you cannot enable the “Do you want to close all tabs?” prompt. Here’s how to enable it within a few seconds.

Enable “Do you want to close all tabs?” Prompt in Edge

You can enable Do you want to close all tabs? prompt in Edge by adding or changing a single registry key. Before proceeding to edit, backup registry, just to be safe.

1. To open Windows Registry, open the start menu, type “regedit.” Now, right-click on it and select “Run as administrator.”

This will open Windows Registry with admin privileges.

2. The key we are looking for is buried pretty deep within the Registry Editor. So, please copy the below path, paste it into the address bar, and press Enter. You will be automatically taken to the required key in an instant.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge\Main
Navigate to the Main key

3. Here, right-click in the empty space and select “New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value.” Name the DWORD value as “AskToCloseAllTabs.”

Note: If you already have AskToCloseAllTabs value, there is no need to create another one. Proceed to next step.

Name the value as "AskToCloseAllTabs"

4. Double-click on the AskToCloseAllTabs value, enter “1” in the Value Data field and click on the “Ok” button to save changes.

Change value data to 1

Now, restart or sign out and sign in to make the changes take effect. Sometimes, restarting the Edge browser would suffice too. After restarting, whenever you try to close Edge with multiple tabs, you will get a “Do you want to close all tabs?” prompt. This gives you the chance to review the tabs before closing the Edge browser.

I hope that helps. Share your thoughts and experiences using the above method to enable the “Do you want to close all tabs?” prompt in Edge.

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