Outlook has a built-in dark mode to ease the strain on your eyes. Here are the steps to enable dark mode in Outlook on Windows.
When it comes to managing emails and email accounts, there is no better application than Outlook. This is particularly true if you have multiple email accounts. From personal to business, there are a lot of options in Outlook for everybody to effectively manage the inbox and keep it organized and clutter free.
If you are a heavy Outlook user, you might benefit from turning on the dark mode. When you turn on Outlook dark mode, the entire user interface will be either in black or dark gray color. For example, in a lot of office environments, it is pretty common to check on and respond to a lot of emails. In those kinds of environments, having the dark mode enabled is very useful. This reduces the overall white light to in turn reduce strain on your eyes. Of course, other than putting your eyes at ease, the Outlook dark theme looks pretty good too.
In this quick and short guide, let me show the steps to enable the dark mode in Outlook. The steps shown will work in Outlook 2019 and Outlook 365 on Windows and macOS.
Important: Make sure you are running up-to-date version on Outlook. If you are not using the updated version, you might not see the Outlook dark theme options.
Enable dark mode in Outlook
To turn on dark mode in Outlook, follow the given steps.
- Open the Outlook application.
- Click on the “File” option.
- Select the “Options” option.
- Select the “General” tab on the sidebar.
- Choose the “Black” or “Dark grey” option from the Office Theme dropdown menu.
- Click on the “Ok” button.
With that, you have changed the Outlook theme to dark mode. If you need more detailed steps, take a look at the below sub-section.
Detailed steps
1. First, open the Outlook application. You can do that by searching for it in the Start menu. Alternatively, you can also execute the “outlook.exe” run command.
2. In the Outlook window, click on the “File” option and then click on the “Options” option. This will open the Outlook settings window. This is where you will find all the Outlook settings.
3. In the Settings window, select the “General” tab on the sidebar.
4. On the right panel of the General tab, select the “Black” or “Dark gray” option from the Office Theme dropdown menu.
5. Make sure the “Disable dark mode” checkbox is UNCHECKED. If this option is selected, Outlook cannot apply the dark mode.
6. Click on the “Ok” button to save the changes.
As soon as you do that, Outlook will apply the dark mode.
I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible. If you like this article, check out how to enable dark mode in Word.