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Download KB5016629 Offline Installer, Windows 11

The KB5016629 update is out for Windows 11 users. Here is the direct link to download KB5016629 offline installer.

Windows 11 has been relatively uneventful for the past few weeks without the regular cumulative updates. That comes to an end this week. Microsoft recently released a new cumulative update for all Windows 11 users. The latest cumulative update is called KB5016629.

According to Microsoft, KB5016629 is a security update. However, if you haven’t already installed previous cumulative updates, it might also install additional fixes, improvements, and new features. Specifically, this update includes improvements from the last KB5015882 update.

Being a security update, it contains a lot of minor but essential security fixes and improvements. However, Microsoft didn’t list what those fixes are. When it comes to additional fixes, this update fixes a known issue that might prevent some users from opening the Start menu.

Since this is a security update, it is essential that you install KB5016629 soon to protect your computer from security bugs and vulnerabilities.

As always, you can download and install the update from the Settings app or use the below link to download KB5016629 offline installer. After downloading, double-click on the installer and follow the wizard.

KB5016629 update

Table of contents:

Download KB5016629 offline installer

The KB5014697 update is available as an offline installer via the Microsoft Update Catalog website.

Go to this webpage, find your Windows 11 version, and click the “Download” button next. Another window or tab will open. Click the available link, and the offline installer is downloaded to your computer. After downloading, double-click on the installer and follow the wizard to install KB5014697. Remember that the update will only install if it is supported. Also, it might download additional updates or dependencies if required.

KB5016629 Changelog

Addresses a known issue that might prevent some of you from opening the Start menu. On the affected devices, clicking or tapping the Start button or using the Windows keyboard shortcut might have no effect.

Important note: Remember that this update also contains fixes from KB5015882 if it is not already installed in your system.

That is it.

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