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How to Change Audio Balance Levels on Windows 11

On Windows 11, the audio output devices such as speakers and headphones are balanced, meaning the audio volume level will be equal for both the left and right speakers. However, if your audio is unbalanced, or if you simply want to fine-tune your listening experience, you can manually adjust the audio balance levels through the Settings app. In this tutorial, we’ll show you exactly how to do that, step by step. Let’s get started.

Change Audio Balance Level on Windows 11

Start by pressing Windows key + I to open the Settings window. In the Settings window, navigate to the System > Sound page.

open sound settings on Windows 11

On the Sound page, you will see all your connected speakers and headphones under the Output section. Click on the speaker/headphone of your choice.

click on headphones or speakers

To adjust the audio balance levels, simply move the Left Channel and Right Channel sliders located under the Output Settings section. These sliders control the volume for the left and right speakers, respectively.

audio balance levels on Windows 11

For example, if you want an equal volume level in both left and right speakers, move both the Left Channel and Right Channel sliders to 100.

adjust audio balance levels

If you’d like to hear audio from only one speaker then set the respective channel’s slider to 100 and move the other to 0. For instance, to hear audio only from the left speaker, set the Left Channel slider to 100 and move the Right Channel slider to 0.

unbalanced audio levels on Windows 11

Of course, you are not limited to just these settings. You can also move the sliders to any level to fine-tune the audio levels of both speakers.

That’s all there is to it! It is that easy to change the audio balance levels on Windows 11. From the same Sound page in the Settings app, you can disable audio enhancements, disable speakers, enable or disable mono audio, and more.

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