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Add or Remove a Folder in Gallery in File Explorer: Steps

Other than the default folders, you can add or remove your folders to the Gallery in File Explorer. This article shows how to do it in simple steps.

Microsoft added a new feature to the File Explorer called Gallery. As the name implies, the Gallery makes it easy to access all your photos and images in one place. In fact, it shows all your pictures in a timeline grid view, very similar to the All Photos view in the Photos app. Since the default view is based on the timeline, it shows the most recently taken photos at the top.

By default, the File Explorer’s Gallery automatically shows all your photos and images in the Pictures folder. In addition to that, If you have OneDrive Camera Roll Backup set up on your phone, the photos you take will show up automatically at the top of the view. Additionally, you can customize the folder that appears in the Gallery. i.e., you can add your own folders to the Gallery. Of course, you can easily remove a folder from the Gallery when not needed.

In this article, let me show how to manage Gallery folders in File Explorer.

Table of contents:

  1. How to add a folder to Gallery in File Explorer
  2. How to remove a folder from Gallery in File Explorer

Important note: To see or use the Gallery feature in File Explorer, you should be using Windows 11 build 23435 or higher.

Follow the below steps to add a folder to the Gallery in File Explorer.

  1. Open the File Explorer.
  2. Click on the Collection menu at the top.
  3. Click on the Manage option.
  4. Press the Add button.
  5. Select the folder you want to add to Gallery.
  6. Click on the Include Folder button.
  7. The folder is immediately added to the Gallery.
  8. (Optional) Close and reopen File Explorer to see the photos in the Gallery.

First, use the Windows key + I or click the File Explorer icon on the taskbar to open File Explorer in Windows. Once it opens, click on the Gallery option on the sidebar.

In the Gallery folder, click on the ‘Collections’ option on the top navigation bar and click on the ‘Manage’ option. If there are no photos in the Gallery, you can click the ‘Add a folder’ button.

Since we want to add a folder to the Gallery, click the Add button.

Now, find the folder you want to add to the Gallery and click on the ‘Include Folder’ button.

Click the Ok button in the Manage window.

With that, you’ve added the folder to Gallery. You should immediately see the photos, pictures, or images from the added folder in the Gallery. If you don’t see them, press the F5 key on your keyboard to refresh or close and reopen the File Explorer.

If you don’t need a folder in the Gallery, you can remove it pretty easily. Follow the below steps to remove a folder from File Explorer’s Gallery.

  1. Open the File Explorer.
  2. Click on the Collection menu at the top.
  3. Click on the Manage option.
  4. Select the folder you want to remove.
  5. Click the Remove button.
  6. Press the Ok button.
  7. With that, you’ve removed a folder from Gallery.
  8. (Optional) Close and reopen the File Explorer to see the changes in the Gallery.

You can manage Gallery settings from File Explorer. So, open it first. You can either use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + I shortcut or click the icon on the taskbar. Next, click on the Collections menu on the top bar and select the Manage option.

The above action will open the Gallery management window. Here, select the folder you want to remove and click on the Remove button.

Click the Ok button to save changes.

As soon as you do that, the folder is removed from the Gallery. You should immediately see the photos, pictures, or images from the added folder in the Gallery. If you don’t see them, press the F5 key on your keyboard to refresh or close and reopen the File Explorer.

Do keep in mind that removing a folder from Gallery will not delete it from the disk.

That is all. Adding or removing a folder in Gallery in File Explorer is that simple.

I hope this simple and easy Windows how-to guide helped you.

If you are stuck or need help, send an email, and I will try to help as much as possible.

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