Home » How To » Windows 10: Turn OFF Mouse Acceleration (with pics)

Windows 10: Turn OFF Mouse Acceleration (with pics)

Mouse acceleration causes accuracy issues in precision work and games. Here are the steps to completely turn off mouse acceleration on Windows 10.

Windows by default enables the mouse acceleration feature called Pointer Precision. As you can tell from the feature name itself, the Pointer Precision feature enhances the overall mouse acceleration to make it feel a bit more natural and easy to use. Windows does this by changing the mouse DPI on the fly. That is one of the reasons why when you mouse use your mouse faster, the pointer will travel a greater distance. Of course, the opposite is also true where the pointer travels less when you move your mouse slowly.

Put simply, the mouse acceleration in Windows changes the pointer speed depending on how fast you are moving the mouse.

In this quick and simple guide, let me show the steps to completely turn off mouse acceleration on Windows.

Why disable mouse acceleration?

Though the “Enhance Pointer Precision” a.k.a “Mouse Acceleration” feature is very useful in day to day usage, it can be a hindrance at other times. For example, mouse acceleration causes accuracy issues in Windows shooter games. One of the main reasons for this is Windows changing the mouse pointer acceleration constantly depending on your mouse movement speed and DPI settings. This constant shift in speed makes it hard to gauge accuracy and develop muscle memory.

So, if you are a gamer or someone who does precision work with the mouse, you need to turn off the mouse acceleration in Windows. Disabling the mouse acceleration gives you better control over the pointer speed and accuracy.

How to turn off mouse acceleration

To turn off mouse acceleration follow the steps given below.

  1. Open the Windows 10 Settings app.
  2. Click on the “Devices” option.
  3. Select the “Mouse” tab on the sidebar.
  4. Click on the “Additional mouse options” under “Related settings”.
  5. Select the “Pointer Options” tab in the mouse properties window.
  6. Uncheck the “Enhance pointer precision” checkbox.
  7. Click the “Apply” button.
  8. Click the “Ok” button.

Detailed steps

You can disable the mouse acceleration from Mouse Properties window.

First, open the Settings app by pressing the “Start key + I” shortcut or by clicking on the “All Settings” button in the Notification Center. In the Settings app, go to the “Devices” page and select the “Mouse” tab on the sidebar. This is where most of the mouse related options are located.

On this page, click on the “Additional mouse options” link under the “Related settings” section. You can find this selection on the right sidebar or at the bottom of the settings page.


The above action will open the Mouse Properties window. Here, go to the “Pointer Options” tab. As you can tell from the name, this is where you will find options to control how the pointer behaves.

A quick tip: You can use the main.cpl Run command to open the Mouse Properties window.

In this tab, uncheck the “Enhance pointer precision” checkbox. Next, click on the “Apply” and “Ok” buttons to save the changes.

turn off mouse acceleration – enhance pointer precision

That is it. With the above steps, you’ve disabled the mouse acceleration on Windows 10.

Depending on your mouse DPI settings, you might have to change the pointer speed to meet your use case. You can change the mouse pointer speed directly from the Pointer Options tab in the Mouse Properties window. Use the slider under “Select a pointer speed” to change the pointer speed. Once satisfied with the changes, click “Ok” to save changes.


I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible.

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