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How to Permanently Set Private Session As Default in Spotify

Don’t like sharing your activity on Spotify with friends? Follow the below steps to enable private session and set it as default permanently.

When using Spotify, everything you listen to and all your favorites and playlists is shared with your friends. You can also see and follow what your friends are listening to. This helps you share and enjoy music together with your friends and family. Simply put, anyone who follows you can see all your activity on Spotify in their activity sidebar. This feature is available for both free and premium users.

As good and useful as it is, you might not be interested in sharing your Spotify activity or following the activity of others. In those situations, you can enable the Spotify Private Session feature by clicking on the top drop-down menu and then selecting the “Private Session” option. Once enabled, your activity is protected and no longer shared with your friends or followers.

The only problem is that this setting is not permanent. i.e, you need to manually enable it every time you want to keep your activities private. The good thing is, there is a workaround to permanently enable Private Session setting. Just follow the steps below and you will have it set up in no time.

Set Spotify in Permanent Private Session Mode

Like I said before, every time you launch Spotify, it resets the Private Session setting and makes your activity public. So as a workaround, we are going to disable some social settings which will in effect act as the Private Session.

1. First, open Spotify if it is not already opened. Once Spotify has been opened, click on the dropdown menu appearing on the top right corner and then select the “Settings” option.


2. The above action will open the Settings page. Here, scroll down until you see the “Social” section.

3. Here, toggle all the below options to the OFF position.

  • Make my new playlists public
  • Share my listening activity on Spotify
  • Show my recently played artists

In case you are wondering, the “Start a private session to listen anonymously” is nothing but the “Private Session” option in the top drop-down menu.


That is all. From now on, your Spotify activities are private and you are not sharing your activities with your friends or followers.

If you ever change your mind, simply toggle the above options back to the “ON” position and you are good to go.

That is all. It is that simple to make Spotify Private Session permanent.

Hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible.

If you like this article, do check out how to stop Spotify from launching at system startup in Windows.

1 thought on “How to Permanently Set Private Session As Default in Spotify”

  1. Avatar for aid7c1

    this is simple but does not work for ever
    When I close and repon spotify I need to turn off this option again again again …

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