Windows 11 has strict system requirements which when not met, don’t allow the OS installation. While you can bypass the system requirements and install Windows 11 fairly easily, as soon as you do that, you will see the System requirements not met watermark on the bottom right corner of your desktop. If you are bothered by this watermark, you can remove it quite easily by changing a registry value or group policy. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the steps to remove the ‘System requirements not met’ watermark on Windows 11. Let’s get started.

Steps to remove ‘System requirements not met’ watermark
1. Using Registry Editor
To remove the System Requirements Not Met watermark, you must make a small change to the registry. Specifically, change the Value Data of a value called “SV2.” Before learning how to do that, please back up your registry.
First, open Registry Editor by typing it in the Windows search bar. If you don’t have the search bar, you can search for it in the Start menu.
In the registry editor, go to the following folder.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache

On the left sidebar, right-click on the UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache folder and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Enter SV2 as the name of the new DWORD value.
Right-click on the SV2 value and select Modify.
Ensure, the Value Data field is set to 0 and click OK.

Finally, close the Registry Editor and restart your computer. After restarting, the system requirements watermark is completely removed.
2. Using Group Policy Editor
For those using Windows 11 Pro or Enterprise editions, you can use the Group Policy Editor editor to remove the system requirements not watermark. This method eliminates the tedious work of editing registry values. Here’s how.
First, open Group Policy Editor by searching for ‘Edit Group Policy’ in the Windows search bar.
After opening the group policy editor window, go to the Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System folder.
On the right panel, double-click on the Hide messages when Windows system requirements are not met policy
Select the Enabled radio option and click OK.
Close the Group Policy window and restart your computer. Once restarted, you will not see the requirement not met watermark.
And there you have it! By following one of the above two methods, you can easily remove the system requirements not met watermark on Windows 11. Keep in mind that if you update Windows 11 to a major new version, such as 23H2, etc., you might have to redo the entire process. This is because, as part of the major upgrade process, Windows resets many of the registry values and group policies.
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