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How To Reinstall OneDrive On Windows 10 & 11

This tutorial shows you how to reinstall OneDrive on Windows 10 or 11 in case you uninstall it or facing sync problems.

OneDrive is one of the most popular cloud storage services deeply integrated with Microsoft Office and the Windows operating system. In fact, in Windows 10 and Windows 11, OneDrive comes pre-installed. The good thing is, when compared to other cloud storage services like Google Drive, what makes OneDrive unique is its files on-demand feature. With this feature, you can see all the files and folders in OneDrive without downloading them. When needed, the files or folders will be automatically downloaded for you.

Generally, OneDrive works perfectly fine for a vast majority of users. However, that is not the case for everyone. If you are facing any problems with OneDrive, one of the easiest ways to solve the issue is to uninstall OneDrive and then reinstall it. If you’ve uninstalled OneDrive for whatever reason, here is how to reinstall OneDrive on Windows 10 and Windows 11 in simple steps.

Reinstall OneDrive on Windows

There are multiple ways to reinstall OneDrive. The good thing is, you don’t have to download anything from the Internet. All the files required to reinstall OneDrive are already on your computer. You have to know where to find the installation file and how to use it to reinstall OneDrive. I will show you all the ways you can install OneDrive. Follow the one you like.

Table of contents:

1. Reinstall OneDrive from File Explorer

Windows keeps the installation file within the system’s root directory even after uninstalling OneDrive. We can use this installation file to reinstall OneDrive as and when needed. However, this file is buried deep within the system files. All you have to do is find the installation file and execute it.

1. First, open File Explorer by clicking on the taskbar icon or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Win + E.

2. In the file explorer, copy and paste the below location in the address bar and press Enter.

  • Alternate location for the OneDrive setup file

Quick trivia: %systemroot% is the short form for C:\Windows

3. Once you are here, find and double-click on the “OneDriveSetup.exe” file. To make things easier, use the search bar appearing in the top-right corner of file explorer.

Onedrive setup file in file explorer

4. As soon as you open the file, Windows starts to reinstall OneDrive. Just follow the installation wizard to complete installing OneDrive.

Onedrive installation window

2. Reinstall OneDrive using Command Prompt

The alternate way you can install OneDrive is from the command prompt. To reinstall OneDrive using the command prompt, all you have to do is execute a single line of command.

1. First, search for “cmd” in the start menu, right-click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator.”

2. In the command prompt window, execute the below command based on your system architecture.

  • Alternate command

Reinstall onedrive using command prompt

3. As soon as you execute the command, Windows starts installing OneDrive on your system. Follow the installation wizard to complete installing OneDrive.

Onedrive installation window

3. Reinstall OneDrive using PowerShell

Just as you can install OneDrive from the command prompt, you can also install OneDrive via PowerShell. Since we are only executing an executable, the commands are identical too. Just follow the steps below, and you should be good.

1. Open the Start menu, search for “Windows PowerShell,” right-click on the result and select the “Run as administrator” option. This will open Windows PowerShell with admin rights.

2. In the PowerShell window, execute the below command based on your system architecture.

  • Alternate command

Reinstall onedrive using powershell

3. That is it. Now, follow the installation wizard to complete installing OneDrive on Windows 10 or Windows 11.

Onedrive installation window

Hope that helps. Here are some other tips that might help you.

If you cannot find the OneDrive installation file in the appropriate location, you can download one from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/microsoft-365/onedrive/download

Update: Updated the tutorial to make sure it works on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

8 thoughts on “How To Reinstall OneDrive On Windows 10 & 11”

  1. Avatar for smith

    its not there,

    last time i found a command prompt that downloaded the lastest software to from the microsoft server. but now cant find it

  2. Avatar for Frank Hawkins

    I tried to reinstall onedrive but when I click it i got message that said a newer version of one drive was available and I needed to install it first before I can install this revision. very confusion. now I don’t know how I can reinstall one drive.

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