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Where Is My Computer on Windows 10 Start Menu? Here It Is

If you are a Windows XP or Windows 7 user, you might be used to the My Computer option in the start menu. In general, the My Computer option in the start menu is widely used not only to access the File Explorer but also to open the System Properties window and Computer Management window. If that’s the case and you’ve recently transitioned to Windows 10, you might be wondering where is My Computer in the Windows 10 start menu. Let’s talk about that.

One thing to keep in mind is that from Windows 8 onwards, My Computer is called This PC. So, don’t get confused when you see “This PC” in Windows 10. Also, if you are looking to just open the File Explorer, you can either click on the File Explorer icon in the taskbar or press the keyboard shortcut Win + E. If you are interested, here are 50 useful Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts.

Where Is My Computer on Windows 10 Start Menu?

In Windows 10, Microsoft has done away with the My Computer option in the start menu. Fortunately, you can add your own My Computer shortcut to the start menu.

To add My Computer to the start menu, follow the below steps. Basically, you first need to add My Computer to desktop and then pin that My Computer shortcut to the start menu. Though a roundabout way, it works perfectly and can be achieved in just a few simple steps.

  1. Open the Settings app by pressing the keyboard shortcut Win + I.
  2. In the settings app, go to “Personalisation -> Themes“.
  3. On the right-hand side, click on the “Display Icon Settings” link under the Related Settings section.
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  4. The above action will open a new window. Here, select the “Computer” checkbox.
  5. Click on the “Apply” and “Ok” buttons to save changes.
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  6. You will now see a new “This PC” shortcut on your desktop.
  7. Right-click on the This PC shortcut and select “Pin to Start” option.
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  8. As soon as you select the option, My Computer will be pinned to your start menu as a tile. You can drag the tile to anywhere you want.
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  9. If you right-click on the This PC shortcut, and to go “More” section, you will familiar options like Manage, Properties, etc.
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As you can see, though Microsoft has removed My Computer from the start menu, you can easily add it. Once you add and place where you want, it is nothing hard to find My Computer in the start menu.

If you like this article, do check out how to backup start menu layout and how to keep a window always on top.

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