Windows 11 by default shows a weather widget on the taskbar with the latest weather info of your chosen location. When you click on it or press the “Windows key + W” shortcut, the widget panel opens with useful widgets and an unnecessary news feed. For some, the new Widgets panel is a welcome change. For others, the Widgets panel is a distraction and a waste of resources. After all, there is still no support for third-party widgets, and you cannot place widgets outside the Widgets panel.
The good thing is, you can completely remove all widgets on Windows 11 with a single winget command. Once removed, you won’t see the weather widget or the Widgets panel anymore.
In this article, I will show you the simplest way to uninstall widgets on Windows 11. Let’s get started.
Before You Begin
- You need administrator rights to completely uninstall widgets and widgets panel on Windows 11.
Steps to Uninstall Widgets on Windows 11
- Right-click the Start button on the taskbar.
- Choose the “Terminal (Admin)” option.
- Run the following command in the terminal window.
winget uninstall "windows web experience pack"
- Close the Terminal window.
- Reboot the computer.
- With that, you have uninstalled Widgets in Windows 11.
Detailed Steps (With Screenshots)
First, open the Terminal app as an admin. To do that, right-click the Start button and select the “Terminal (Admin)” option.

In the terminal window, run the following winget command. In case you don’t know, winget
is a built-in Windows package manager.
winget uninstall "windows web experience pack"

If this is your first time running this command, you might see the “terms & conditions” message. Type “Y” and press Enter to continue.

As soon as you do that, winget uninstalls the widgets on Windows 11. Once done, you will see the “Successfully uninstalled” message.

Once done, close the Terminal window and restart your computer. After rebooting, the widgets and widgets panel are completely uninstalled on Windows 11.
Reinstall Widgets in Windows 11
If you ever want to use Widgets again, you can reinstall it from the Microsoft Store. Here’s how.
- Go to this Microsoft Store page.
- Click the “Install” button.
- Press the “Open Microsoft Store” button when prompted.
- Click the “Get” button in the Store app.
- Once the app is installed, restart your computer.
- After restarting, will see the weather widget on the taskbar and can open the widgets panel with the “Windows key + W” shortcut.

Wrapping Up — Getting Rid of Widgets on Windows 11
As you can see, if don’t like widgets, thanks to winget, you can remove them quite easily. Once removed, your taskbar not only looks clean but it can also improve your system performance marginally. Of course, if you ever want your widgets back, follow the installation instructions I’ve listed and you are done.
If you have any questions or need help, comment below. I’ll be happy to assist.