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How to Turn Off Animations in Windows 11

The new animations in Windows 11 are beautiful, but they can slow down the system. Here’s how to disable or turn off Windows 11 animations.

Compared to Windows 10, Windows 11 has a lot of visual enhancements. One of those enhancements is the new animations. Every time you open the Start menu, mouse over opened apps on the taskbar, open an application, go to a different settings page, going back and forth between pages, etc., you will see a subtle but eye candy animation.

These simple animations make it a pleasure to use Windows 11. Most importantly, the user interface will be seamless and fluid. When you launch the Start menu, for example, it will slide from the bottom rather than flashing from nowhere. The good news is that these animations do not take up a lot of system resources.

To put it simply, Windows 11 animations are good.

However, if you don’t like animation or want to squeeze a bit more performance out of your machine, it is better to disable Windows 11 animations.

This simple how-to article will show you how to turn off animations in Windows 11 completely.

Table of contents:

Turn off Windows 11 animations in Settings

As with most things, you can turn off animations in Windows 11 from the Settings app. Here’s how.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Select “Accessibility” on the sidebar.
  3. Navigate to the “Visual effects” page.
  4. Turn off the “Animation effects” option.
  5. Close the Settings app.
  6. (Optional) Reboot Windows 11.
  7. With that, animation effects are turned off.

Steps with more details:

To access Settings, use the shortcut “Start key + I.” If it doesn’t work, look in the Windows 11 Start menu for “Settings.”

Go to the “Accessibility -> Visual effects” section. This page, as the name says, allows you to modify the visual aspects of Windows 11.

To disable all animations in Windows 11, turn off the “Visual effects” option.

Turn off Windows 11 animations from settings

The effect is immediate, and all animations in Windows 11 should be disabled. If not, restart the computer to have the changes take effect.

Disable Windows 11 animations from Performance Options

The Performance Options tool in Windows 11 allows you to deactivate animations completely. Here’s how to open it and change the relevant options to disable animation visual effects in Windows 11.

  1. Press the “Start” key on your keyboard.
  2. Search and open “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.”
  3. Go to the “Visual Effects” tab.
  4. Select the “Custom” option.
  5. Uncheck the following checkboxes.
    • Animate controls and elements inside windows
    • Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing
    • Animations in the taskbar
  6. Press the “Ok” button.
  7. Close the “Performance Options” window.
  8. Reboot the computer.
  9. With that, animation effects are turned off.

Steps with more details:

We must first open the Performance Options window. For that, press the “Start” key on your keyboard, search for “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows,” and open it.

Now, ensure you are in the “Visual Effects” tab in the Performance Options window.

Choose the “Custom” radio option and then uncheck the following checkboxes.

After that, press the “Ok” button to save changes.

Turn off Windows 11 animations from performance options

Finally, restart the computer after closing the “Performance Options” window. After rebooting, Windows 11 animations are completely disabled.

It is that simple to turn off animations in Windows 11.

I hope this simple and easy Windows how-to guide helped you.

If you are stuck or need some help, send an email, and I will try to help as much as possible.

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