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How to Remove Windows Security Notification Icon

If you don’t like seeing Windows Security Notification Icon on the taskbar system tray, here is how to remove it in simple steps.

If you are using Windows 10 or 11, you might have seen the Windows Security or Defender icon in the system tray. You can use this icon to quickly assess the security situation of your computer and launch the Windows Security app. For example, you will see a green checkmark if everything is OK—otherwise, a yellow caution mark or red cross mark.

As you can guess, you manage the built-in antivirus settings from the Windows Security app.

Windows shows the Windows Security Notification Icon on the taskbar tray when the built-in antivirus is active. The Windows Security Notification Icon appears even when using third-party antivirus software. That is because Windows Security is always on alert (not active) and occasionally scans your computer.

If you think there are too many icons on the taskbar system tray, you can reduce their count by at least one. i.e., you can hide or remove the Windows Security Notification Icon. It is pretty easy to do.

So, without further ado, let me show you how to remove Windows Security Notification Icon in Windows 11 and 10.

The steps below work the same in Windows 10 and 11.

Table of contents:

Remove Windows Security Notification Icon

The Windows Security Notification Icon is a system icon; as such, you can disable it as any other system tray icon from the Settings app. Specifically from the “Taskbar Corner Overflow” section. Let me show you where to find and how to modify it.

  1. Right-click on the taskbar.
  2. Choose the “Taskbar settings” option.
  3. Expand the “Taskbar corner overflow” section.
  4. Turn off the “Windows Security Notification Icon” option.
  5. Close the Settings app.
  6. With that, Windows Security Notification Icon is hidden or removed from the taskbar system tray.

Steps with more details:

First, we need to open the Taskbar settings. To do that, right-click on the taskbar and choose the “Taskbar Settings” option. You can get to the same page by opening the Settings app (Win + I) and going to the “Personalization > Taskbar” page.

Expand the “Taskbar corner overflow” section. This is where you can find all the icons you can show or hide.

taskbar corner overflow

Find the “Windows Security Notification Icon” option and turn it off.

remove Windows Security Notification Icon on taskbar

The Windows Security Notification Icon is removed from the Taskbar system tray as soon as you do that.

Disable Windows Security Notification Icon startup

You can disable the Windows Security Notification Icon startup to remove the Windows Security icon from the taskbar system tray. Add that you are removing another program from the startup list, potentially improving the system startup time. Here is how to do it.

  1. Right-click on the Start menu.
  2. Choose the “Task Manager” option.
  3. Go to the “Startup” tab.
  4. Select the “Windows Security Notification Icon” option.
  5. Click the “Disable” button.
  6. With that, Windows Security Notification Icon is disabled from startup.
  7. Reboot the computer.
  8. You will no longer see the Windows Security Notification Icon on the taskbar system tray.

Steps with more details:

You can manage Startup applications from the Task Manager. So, the first thing to do is open Task Manager. To do that, right-click the Start menu and choose “Task Manager.”

open taskbar

Go to the “Startup” tab. Here, choose the “Windows Security Notification Icon” option and click the “Disable” button.

disable Windows Security Notification Icon startup item

As soon as you do that, Windows Security Notification Icon is disabled. After you reboot the computer, you will no longer see the “Windows Security Notification Icon” on the taskbar system tray.

FAQ: Windows Security Notification Icon

1. Can I remove the Windows Security Notification Icon from the taskbar system tray?

Yes, you can safely remove the Windows Security Notification Icon from the taskbar system tray. It doesn’t deactivate Windows Security. It runs in the background. You just don’t see the icon.

2. Can I disable the Windows Security Notification Icon startup item?

Yes, you can safely disable the Windows Security Notification Icon startup item. It doesn’t deactivate Windows Security. It runs in the background. You just don’t see the icon.

3. Is Windows Security disabled if I remove Windows Security Notification Icon?

No, Windows Security runs in the background as it should. Of course, if you use a third-party antivirus, Windows Security will not interfere with it.

4. How to show Windows Security Notification Icon on the system tray?

Do the following to show the Windows Security Notification Icon on the taskbar system tray.

  • Open Settings and go to the “Personalization > Taskbar > Taskbar corner overflow” page. Turn on the “Windows Security Notification Icon” option.
  • Additionally, enable the “Windows Security Notification Icon” startup item in the “Task Manager > Startup” tab if you disabled it.

That is it. It is that simple to remove Windows Security Notification Icon in the Windows taskbar.

I hope this simple Windows how-to guide helped you.

If you are stuck or need some help, comment below, and I will try to help as much as possible.

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