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How to Open Specific Setting with Keyboard Shortcut in Windows 10

Are you constantly opening a specific setting? Make it easy by assigning a keyboard shortcut to open a specific setting in Windows 10. Here is how.

Almost every Windows user opens the Settings app at least a few times a week. Some even open it multiple times a day. For example, I constantly open the Bluetooth & Devices page in the Settings app multiple times a day to switch between Bluetooth audio devices.

For the most part, most settings in the Settings app are just a couple of clicks away. So, it is not that hard to find the option. However, if you are opening a specific setting multiple times a day, assigning a keyboard shortcut will make it easier. Once set, you can open the target Settings page by pressing the keyboard shortcut rather than opening the Settings app and navigating to different pages to find the option you are looking for. If needed, you can even create a desktop shortcut for a specific setting in Windows 10.

Without further ado, I will show you a simple way to open a specific setting with a keyboard shortcut in Windows 10.

Open a Specific Setting with Keyboard Shortcut

To create a keyboard shortcut for a specific settings page, we will use a free software called AutoHotKey. This is because Windows doesn’t let you assign a keyboard shortcut in the usual methods. The good thing is, AutoHotKey is pretty easy to use. Just follow the steps, and it will be done in no time.

First, download AutoHotKey from here. After downloading, double-click on the exe file and follow the wizard to install AutoHotKey.

After installing the AutoHotKey software, right-click on the desktop and select the “New -> Text Document” option.

create text file

The above action will create a new text file. Name the file “Open Settings.ahk”. Click “Yes” in the warning window. You can set any name you want. But, make sure the file extension is .ahk and not .txt. If you cannot see the extension, enable file extensions.

rename it to ahk file

Next, right-click on the AHK file and select the “Edit” option.

edit ahk file

The above action will open the AHK file in the Notepad. Here, paste the following command. Replace “SETTING_COMMAND” with the actual setting page command found below. After that, press “Ctrl + S” or select the “File -> Save” option to save the file.


open specific settings page with keyboard shortcut

Finally, close the Notepad and double-click on the file to run it.

As long as the file is running, you can open the settings page by pressing the “Ctrl + Alt + B” shortcut.

If you want to, you can customize the shortcut by changing the modifier symbols (# – Windows key, ^ – Ctrl key, ! – Alt key, + – Shift key). Read this official doc to know more about the modifier keys.

Setting page commands

Below are the commands to open specific setting in the Settings app.

  • Themes: ms-settings:themes
  • Motion: ms-settings:privacy-motion
  • Battery Saver: ms-settings:batterysaver-settings
  • Start: ms-settings:personalization-start
  • Dial-up: ms-settings:network-dialup
  • Tablet mode: ms-settings://tabletmode/
  • Speech: ms-settings:speech
  • Airplane mode: ms-settings:network-airplanemode
  • Contacts: ms-settings:privacy-contacts
  • Date and Time: ms-settings:dateandtime
  • Closed Captioning: ms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning
  • Speech, inking, & typing: ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping
  • Backgrounds: ms-settings:personalization-background
  • Personalization: ms-settings:personalization
  • Storage Sense: ms-settings:storagesense
  • Proxy: ms-settings:network-proxy
  • Messaging: ms-settings:privacy-messaging
  • VPN: ms-settings:network-vpn
  • Other options & Ease of Access: ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions
  • DirectAccess: ms-settings:network-directaccess
  • Mouse: ms-settings:easeofaccess-mouse
  • Ethernet: ms-settings:network-ethernet
  • Region & language: ms-settings:regionlanguage
  • Offline maps: ms-settings:maps
  • Lockscreen: ms-settings:lockscreen
  • Mouse & touchpad: ms-settings:mousetouchpad
  • Bluetooth: ms-settings:bluetooth
  • Work access: ms-settings:workplace
  • Keyboard: ms-settings:easeofaccess-keyboard
  • Microphone: ms-settings:privacy-microphone
  • Display: ms-settings:screenrotation
  • Sign-in options: ms-settings:signinoptions
  • Connected devices: ms-settings:connecteddevices
  • Radios: ms-settings:privacy-radios
  • Other Devices: ms-settings:privacy-customdevices
  • Optional features: ms-settings:optionalfeatures
  • Mobile hotspot: ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot
  • Cellular: ms-settings:network-cellular
  • Narrator: ms-settings:easeofaccess-narrator
  • High Contrast: ms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast
  • Data Usage: ms-settings:datausage
  • Magnifier: ms-settings:easeofaccess-magnifier
  • Privacy: ms-settings:privacy
  • Proximity: ms-settings:proximity
  • For developers: ms-settings:developers
  • Typing: ms-settings:typing
  • Family & other users: ms-settings:otherusers
  • Power & Sleep: ms-settings:powersleep
  • Wi-Fi: ms-settings:network-wifi
  • Calendar: ms-settings:privacy-calendar
  • Manage Wi-Fi Settings: ms-settings:network-wifisettings
  • Camera: ms-settings:privacy-webcam
  • Colors: ms-settings:personalization-colors
  • Windows Update: ms-settings:windowsupdate
  • Notifications & actions: ms-settings:notifications
  • Location: ms-settings:privacy-location
  • Battery Saver: ms-settings:batterysaver
  • Account info: ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo
  • Display: ms-settings:display
  • Battery Saver Settings: ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails
  • Feedback: ms-settings:privacy-feedback

That is all. It is that simple to open a specific setting in Windows 10 with a keyboard shortcut.

I hope that helps.

If you are stuck or need some help, comment below, and I will try to help as much as possible.

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