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How to View DMP File (Crash Dump File)

Crash dump files (.dmp) are created by Windows when the computer crashes or certain programs stop working unexpectedly. These files help figure out why the crash happened. For example, during a BSoD error (Blue Screen of Death), Windows automatically generates the DMP files to help you troubleshoot the error. There are different types of dump files, but they all aim to provide useful info to fix the problem.

Opening a crash dump file on Windows can provide valuable information behind system crashes and application failures. In this tutorial, we’ll show you two easy ways to open and view dump (.dmp) files on Windows. Let’s get started.

How to View a DMP File (Crash Dump)

1. Using WhoCrashed

If you want to view dump files generated on your computer, you can use a free application called WhoCrashed. This application automatically finds and opens the dmp file. Here’s how to use it.

1. First, download WhoCrashed and install it.

download whocrashed
install whocrashed
open whocrashed

3. As soon as you open it, the application will list all the crash dump files on your computer.

2. After installing, open the Start menu, search for WhoCrashed, and open it.

whocrashed crash dump files

4. Select the dump file you want to view and click Analyse. This will open the dump file in a new window. Here, you can view the entire crash dump, kernel stack, and loaded modules.

whocrashed dump details

Note: If you don’t see dump files when you open the program then it means that your computer has no dump files. To analyze crash dumps you got from other users, follow the second method.

2. Using WinDbg Application

WinDgb is a powerful application from Microsoft specifically designed for debugging Windows applications. You can use this free application to analyze crash dumps generated on your computer and downloaded from others.

1. First, open the WinDbg store page, and click on Download > Open Microsoft Store > Install to install the WinDbg program.

install windbg

2. After installing, open the WinDbg tool from the Start menu. If you’ve installed it recently, you will find it at the top of the apps list. Alternatively, you can also search for “WinDbg” in the Start menu and open it.

open WinDbg

3. Once the program opens, click the File option. This action will take you to the main File screen.

click file in WinDbg

4. In the File screen, click on the Open dump file option in the middle panel.

open dump file

5. In the Open window, navigate to the folder where the crash dump file is located, select the .dmp file, and click Open.

Note: The default location of crash dumps on your Windows computer is: %SystemRoot%\Minidump.

select dump file to open

6. As soon as you click the button, the dump file will be opened in the WinDbg tool.

7. Once the file is opened, click on the !analyze -v at the bottom or type !analyze -v in the execution field and press Enter.

8. This action will download the necessary debug files and start the analysis process. Keep in mind that the whole download and analysis process can take some time to complete. So, sit back and wait till the green progress bar is filled all the way.

analyze dump file in WinDbg tool

That is it. Once the analysis is complete, you can scroll through the dump file to get more information on the crash cause. Depending on the type of the dump file, the information you see will be different.

And there you have it! These are two methods you can use to open and view dmp files on Windows. If you have any questions, comment below and we’ll answer.

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