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How to Format in exFAT on Windows 11 & 10

On Windows, you can easily format a drive in exFAT. Compared to the older FAT32 and Windows-centric NTFS, exFAT is far more versatile. It is compatible with a wide range of systems, including Android, macOS, and Linux, supports files up to 16 exabytes, offers better performance, and avoids fragmentation issues.

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the simple steps to format a drive in exFAT on Windows using File Explorer, Disk Management, and Command Prompt. Let’s get started.

Before You Begin

  • The formatting process will delete all data on the drive, so back up any important files before proceeding.
  • You need administrator rights to format a drive in exFAT.
  • Before proceeding, plug in the drive.
  • Drives formatted with exFAT do not support BitLocker or file permissions.
  • The methods and steps shown below are tested to work on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

1. Format a Drive in exFAT Using File Explorer

  1. Press “Windows key + E” to open File Explorer.
  2. Click the “This PC” option on the sidebar.
  3. Right-click on the drive.
  4. Select the “Format” option.
  5. Select “exFAT” from the “File system” dropdown.
  6. Click the “Start” button.
  7. Click the “OK” button.
  8. With that, the drive is formatted in exFAT format.
format a drive in exfat in file explorer

2. Format a Drive in exFAT Using Disk Management

  1. Right-click the Windows button on the taskbar.
  2. Select the “Disk Management” option.
  3. Right-click on the drive you want to format.
  4. Select the “Format” option.
  5. Click “Yes” in the warning dialog.
  6. Select “exFAT” from the “File system” dropdown.
  7. (Optional) Uncheck the “Perform a quick format” checkbox.
  8. Click “OK“.
  9. Click “OK” in the format dialog.
  10. With that, the drive is formatted in the exFAT file system.
format a drive in exfat in disk management

3. Format a Drive in exFAT Using Command Prompt

  1. Press the “Windows key” on your keyboard.
  2. Search for “Command Prompt“.
  3. Select the “Run as administrator” option.
  4. Run the “format X: /FS:exFAT” command. Replace X with the drive letter of the device you want to format.
  5. Press the “Enter” button when prompted.
  6. Wait for the process to complete.
  7. Press “Enter” when asked for the “Volume label”.
  8. That is it. Your drive is formatted in the exFAT file system.

Note: Compared to other methods, formatting using Command Prompt usually takes longer.

format a drive in exfat in command prompt

Wrapping Up — Formatting a Drive in exFAT File System on Windows

If you want to format a drive in the exFAT file system on Windows, you have three methods to choose from—File Explorer, Disk Management, and Command Prompt. Regardless of the method you follow, the result is the same.

For external drives, I recommend using the File Explorer method due to its simplicity. However, if you’re formatting an internal drive to exFAT, it’s better to use the Disk Management tool or Command Prompt for more control. Once everything is done, you can check the file system to make sure it is exFAT.

Remember, drives formatted with the exFAT file system don’t support Windows file permissions or BitLocker encryption. Keep this in mind, especially if you plan to format an internal drive.

If you have any questions or need help, comment below. I’ll be happy to help.

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