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How To FIX Small Icons in Greenshot Editor

Are the icons in the Greenshot appearing tiny and hard to see? Here’s a quick fix for it.

Greenshot is one of the most popular, lightweight, and open-source screenshot software for Windows. The best thing about it is that it has a built-in editor that lets you quickly annotate your screenshot right after taking it. However, on high-resolution screens, the editor’s icons can appear incredibly small, making it difficult to use. Thankfully, this problem is pretty simple to fix.

small icons in greenshot

In this tutorial, I will show you steps to adjust the Greenshot settings so that those icons appear normal again. Let’s get started.

Steps to Fix Small Icons in Greenshot Editor

  1. Right-click the Greenshot icon on the taskbar.
  2. Select the “Preferences” option.
  3. Go to the “General” tab.
  4. Change the “Icon Size” to “32“.
  5. Click “OK“.
  6. With that, the problem is fixed and icons appear bigger in the Greenshot editor.

Detailed Steps (With Screenshots)

First of all, ensure the Greenshot app is open. If it is not, open the Start menu, search for “Greenshot”, and click “Open”. Once it opens, right-click the Greenshot app icon on the taskbar and select the “Preferences” option. This opens the Greenshot settings window.

open greenshot preferences

In the Settings window, go to the “General” tab. Here, change the “Icon Size” to “32” and click the “OK” button.

change icon size in Greenshot to fix the small icons issue

That is it. With that, all the icons in the Greenshot editor will appear bigger. If you still see smaller icons, change the Icon Size to “48”. That should fix it.

greenshot icons fixed

Note: If you don’t see the changes, close the Greenshot app and re-open it.

If you have any questions or need help, comment below. I’ll be happy to assist.

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