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How To Edit a PDF in Word

Want to make a quick edit to your PDF document? Word has your back with easy-to-use features. Here is how to edit a PDF file in Word.

Word is one of the most powerful tools out there to create and edit documents. With just a few clicks, you can create any document. The best thing is, you can save a Word document in several different formats. That means, for the most part, you don’t have to worry about the way you are saving a document and its compatibility with other programs. Since Word supports several file formats, you can open an already created document in Word to make necessary edits when needed.

Editing a PDF file in Word is no different. With just a couple of clicks, you can edit a PDF file in Word and save it as a PDF document. You don’t have to use a dedicated PDF editor. It not only saves you time but precious money too. For example, in the old days, you would have to purchase a PDF editor like Acrobat to make changes to a PDF file. That means you have to spend money and learn to use another program to make quick edits in a PDF document.

What’s more, Word edits the PDF document so that you don’t modify the original document. Instead, you create a copy of the document, make changes, and save it as a copy.

As long as you have a relatively new Word application. i.e., Word 2013 or higher, you can edit a PDF file in it. All you have to do is open the PDF file with Word, make the necessary changes, and save it back as a PDF. It is pretty simple and straightforward to do.

So, without delay, let me show you how to edit PDF in Word in detailed yet straightforward steps.

Edit PDF in Word

To edit PDF in Word, you first need to import the PDF document. It then converts it to an editable Word document. You can make the necessary changes and save it back as a PDF file. The whole process is straightforward. Below are the exact steps to follow.

  1. Open the Word application.
  2. Click “File” on the top bar.
  3. Click the “Open” option on the sidebar.
  4. Press “Browse” under the “Other locations” section.
  5. Select “All Files” from the dropdown next to the “File Name” field.
  6. Find & select the PDF file and click the “Open” button.
  7. Press the “Ok” button in the warning window.
  8. Press the “Enable Editing” at the top.
  9. Edit the document as needed.
  10. Click the “File” option.
  11. Select “Save as” on the sidebar.
  12. Click the “Browse” button.
  13. Type a name in the “File Name” field.
  14. Select “PDF” from the “Save as type” dropdown menu.
  15. Click the “Save” button.
  16. With that, you have edited a PDF in Word and saved it as a PDF.

Detailed steps with screenshots and a bit more info:

First, open the Word application on your Windows computer. You can do that by clicking the Word icon on the taskbar or searching for it in the Start menu. After opening the Word application, click the “File > Open” option. Here, click the “Browse” option under the “Other locations” section.

open pdf in word

Select “All Files” from the dropdown menu next to the “File Name” field. After that, find & select the PDF file you want to edit and click the “Open” button.

select pdf to open in word

As soon as you click the button, Word will show a warning message that the PDF document will be imported as an editable Word document. Click the “Ok” button to continue.

Note: Sometimes, Word might take a few seconds to open the PDF document. This is especially true if the PDF is big or has too much formatting. So, wait a bit, even if Word appears frozen or stuck.

click ok

Sometimes, Word might open the PDF in Protect View. In that case, click the “Enable Editing” button at the top. As soon as you do that, Word will again show the warning message letting you know that the document will be opened as an editable Word document. Click the “Ok” button to continue.

edit pdf in word

Now, make the necessary changes to the PDF document. After that, we need to save the document as a PDF file. To do that, click the “File > Save as’ option. Here, click the “Browse” button.

click save as and browse

Type a name for the file in the “File Name” field, select “PDF” from the “Save as type” dropdown and click the “Save” button.

save word as pdf

The document is saved as a PDF file as soon as you do that. With that, you have successfully edited a PDF in Word.

As I said earlier, the original PDF document is untouched; you just saved a copy of the edited PDF file. That means you have both the original and edited versions of the PDF document.

I hope this easy Word how-to guide helped you.

If you are stuck or need some help, comment below, and I will try to help as much as possible.

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