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How to Disable Lock Screen in Windows 11

By default, Windows 11 automatically shows the lock screen with a wallpaper of your choice. Clicking on the lock screen shows you the login screen from where you can log into your user account. While the lock screen wallpaper adds extra personalization to your system, there might be times when you want to disable the lock screen on your Windows 11 computer. For example, maybe you want faster access to your computer, don’t want to perform an extra click to access the login form, don’t want to click the extra options or widgets on the lock screen wallpaper accidentally, want to simplify the login process, etc.

Whatever your specific reason is, if you don’t want to see the lock screen, follow the steps in this tutorial to fully disable the lock screen in Windows 11. Let’s get started.

Before You Begin

  • You need administrator rights to disable the lock screen in Windows 11.
  • Disabling the lock screen will not disable the Windows login form. It just disables the lock screen wallpaper and shows the login form directly. If you don’t want to log in manually, enable automatic login in Windows 11 (On Windows 10).

Disable Lock Screen in Windows 11 Using Registry Editor

Note: Back up the registry before following the steps. The backup helps you restore the registry if something goes wrong.

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. Select the “Run” option.
  3. Enter “regedit” in the Run dialog and click “OK“.
  4. Navigate to the “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization” path in the Registry Editor.
  5. Right-click on the “Personalization” folder on the sidebar.
  6. Select the “New” > “DWORD (32-bit) Value” option.
  7. Set the value name as “NoLockScreen“.
  8. Double-click on the “NoLockScreen” value.
  9. Replace “0” with “1” in the Value Data and click “OK“.
  10. Close the Registry Editor, restart your computer, and the lock screen is disabled.

Detailed Steps (With Screenshots)

First, we need to open the Registry Editor. To do that, right-click on the Start button on the taskbar or press the “Windows key + X” shortcut. Next, select the “Run” option. In the Run dialog, enter “regedit” in the blank field and click “OK“.

regedit run command

Once the Registry Editor opens, navigate to the following folder in it. To make things easier, you can also copy and page the following path in the Registry Editor’s address bar.


go to personalization foler in the registry editor

Now, right-click on the “Personalization” folder and select the “New” > “DWORD (32-bit) Value” option. This will create a new empty DWORD value.

create new dword value

Name the new DWORD value as “NoLockScreen“.

set the name of the new value as NoLockScreen

After creating the value, double-click on it. Next, replace “0” with “1” in the “Value Data” field and click the “OK” button to save the change.

change the value data to 1

Finally, close the Registry Editor window by clicking the “X” button on the title bar and restart your computer. Once the system has been restarted, the lock screen is disabled and you will directly see the login form.

Disable Lock Screen in Windows 11 Using Group Policy

Note: Group Policy is only available in Windows 11 Pro and Enterprise editions only.

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. Select the “Run” option.
  3. Enter “gpedit.msc” and click “OK“.
  4. Go to the “Computer Configuration” > “Administrative Templates” folder.
  5. Open the “Control Panel” folder.
  6. Double-click on the “Do not display the lock screen” policy.
  7. Select the “Enabled” radio option.
  8. Click the “OK” button to save the change.
  9. Close the Group Policy window.
  10. Restart your computer and the lock screen is disabled.

Detailed Steps (With Screenshots)

First, open the Group Policy Editor. To do that, open the Run dialog by pressing the “Windows key + R“, enter “gpedit.msc” in the blank field, and click the “OK” button.

gpedit.msc run command

In the Group Policy window, go to the “Computer Configuration” > “Administrator Template” > “Control Panel” folder. Next, double-click the “Do not display the lock screen” policy on the right panel.

open do not display the lock screen policy

Now, select the “Enabled” radio option and click the “OK” button to save the change.

select enabled and click ok

Close the Group Policy window by clicking the “X” button on the title bar. Finally, restart your computer to apply the policy setting. Once the system has been restarted, the lock screen is disabled, and you will directly see the login form.

Wrapping Up — Disabling the Lock Screen Windows 11

As you can see, if you don’t want to see the lock screen, you have two options to disable it. If you are using Windows 11 Home Edition, follow the registry method (first). On the other hand, if you are using Windows 11 Pro or Enterprise Edition, follow the Group Policy method (second). Whichever method you follow, the result will be the same. i.e., the lock screen will be disabled from the next restart.

To enable the lock screen, either delete the “NoLockScreen” value in the Registry Editor or change the “Do not display the lock screen” policy to “Not Configured” in the policy settings window.

If you have any questions or need help, comment below. I’ll be happy to assist. Windows 10 users can follow this guide to disable lock screen in Windows 10.

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