Most don’t know this about File Explorer in Windows, but you can create custom library folders to organize all your folders in one place. We all have folders scattered across different drives and even network locations that we use regularly. Instead of searching for them or navigating to them manually, you can create a library folder and add all those relevant folders to it. This way, you can access everything within that single library folder.
For example, I’ve created a library folder for my daily or frequently used folders, so I don’t have to jump between drives every time I need something.
In this quick and straightforward tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a custom library folder and add folders to it.
Before You Begin
- Make sure the Libraries option is visible in File Explorer’s sidebar. If it’s hidden, click the three dots (See more), select “Options,” go to the “View” tab, check “Show libraries,” and click “OK”.
Creating a Custom Library and Organizing Folders Within It
- Press “Windows key + E” to open File Explorer.
- Select “Libraries” on the left sidebar.
- Right-click in the “Libraries” folder.
- Select “New” > “Library“.
- Type a name and press “Enter“.
- Right-click on the new library folder and select “Properties“.
- Click “Add“.
- Select the folder you want to add to the library and click “Include Folder“.
- Repeat steps 7 and 8 to include more folders.
- Click “OK“.
- Open the new library folder you will see your included folder.
- To remove a folder from the library, open its properties, select the folder, and click “Remove”.
Detailed Steps (With Screenshots)
First, open File Explorer by pressing “Windows key + E”. Once it opens, select “Libraries” on the left sidebar, right-click on the right panel, and select “New” and then “Library“.

Name the new library folder whatever you want and press “Enter“. With this, you’ve created a new library folder. We’ll move to add folders to this library folder.

Now, right-click on the new library folder and select the “Properties” option.

Click the “Add” button in the “Properties” window.

Browse, select the folder you want to add to your library folder, and click the “Include Folder” button.

If you have more folders to add to the library, follow the above step as many times as required to add all your folders. Once done, click the “OK” button.

That’s it. Open the newly created library folder and you will see your folder in one place. You can expand each folder to access all the subfolders and files in it.

If you no longer need a specific folder in the library, you can just as easily remove it. To do that, open the library’s properties window (right-click the library folder and select “Properties”), select the folder you want to remove and click “Remove“. Click “OK” to save the change.
Note: Do not select the folder and press “Delete” on your keyboard to remove a folder from the library. It might delete the actual folder from your hard drive.

Wrapping Up: Creating and Organizing Your Custom Library
As you can see, Libraries in File Explorer provide a powerful way to bring together folders from different locations, eliminating the need to constantly switch between drives and network locations. You can create multiple libraries for various purposes, such as personal and work projects. Give it a try—you’ll find this feature surprisingly useful.
If you have any questions or need help, comment below. I’ll be happy to assist.