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How to Change Windows 10 Lock Screen Timeout

Windows 10 shows a lock screen before you sign into your system. Not only the lock screen shows a gorgeous wallpaper but also shows important information like new emails, time, etc. The same Windows 10 lock screen is also visible when you lock the computer. By default, the lock screen times out in 60 seconds and the display turns off. If you want to, you can change Windows 10 lock screen timeout so that the display turn off time is over or under 60 seconds.

The option to modify lock screen timeout settings is disabled or hidden. So, you first need to enable the option and then modify it.

There are two major steps to modify Windows 10 lock screen timeout. The first step is to enable an option by editing the registry. The second step is to actually change the lock screen timeout. Both of these steps are required.

Change Lock Screen Timeout of Windows 10

Though editing registry for this specific need is easy, backup registry before proceeding. The registry backup allows you to restore it if anything bad happens while editing registry.

Enable Lock Screen Timeout Option

1. To open the Registry Editor, press Win + R, type regedit and click on the Ok button. You can also search for regedit in the start menu.

2. In the registry editor, copy the below path, paste it in the address bar and press Enter on your keyboard. This action will take you to the target folder where you are required to modify a value.


3. On the right panel, find and double-click on the Attributes DWORD value. If you don’t see this value, right-click on the empty space, select “New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value” and name the new value as “Attributes”.

Change lock screen time out step 01

4. The above action will open the Edit Value window. Here, change the value from 1 to 2 in the Value Data field and click on the Ok button to save changes.

Change lock screen time out step 02

5. Generally, you don’t have to restart the system to make the changes take effect. However, restart your system just to be sure. Or, follow through the next steps and if the option is not available, then restart the system.

Change Lock Screen Timeout

1. First, click the Start button, search for Power & Sleep Settings and open it.

Change lock screen time out step 03

2. The above action will open the Power Settings page in the PC Settings app. Scroll down on the right page and click on the “Additional Power Settings” link under Related Settings section.

Change lock screen time out step 04

3. In the control panel window, click on the Change Plan Settings link next to your preferred power plan.

Change lock screen time out step 05

4. As soon as you click on the link, you will see additional power plan settings. Here, click on the Change Advanced Power Settings link.

Change lock screen time out step 06

5. In the advanced power settings window, scroll down and expand the Display tree. Under that, expand Console Lock Display Off Timeout and increase or decrease the number next to Settings.

Change lock screen time out step 07

That is it. You’ve changed the timeout of Windows 10 lock screen.

If you like this article, do check out five different ways to lock Windows 10 computer, how to automatically lock Windows 10 after inactivity and how to automatically set a new wallpaper every day on Windows 10.

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