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How to Completely Uninstall Unity and Unity Hub in Windows 10

Unity is one of the most popular free real-time gaming engine that makes it quite easy to create cross-platform games. Generally, you are required to install multiple versions of Unity as part of the game development. This is due to the need to avoid any compatibility and other issues with different Unity versions. As you install multiple versions, it takes up a lot of disk space. If you ever want to, follow simple steps below to uninstall both Unity and Unity Hub in Windows 10.

Uninstall Unity from Windows 10

To uninstall unity we can use the Unity Hub. The Unity Hub not only allows you to install different versions of Unity but also allow you to uninstall any version you want individually with just a few clicks. It is also recommended that you use the Unity Hub to uninstall Unity as it is clean and also removes the entry from the main Unity Hub interface. After uninstalling Unity, you can proceed to uninstall Unity Hub using the second method.

1. First, open the start menu, search for “Unity Hub” and click on it. This action will open the Unity Hub.

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2. Once the Unity Hub has been opened, go to the “Installs” tab. This is where you will see all the different versions of Unity that are installed on your system. Like me, if you only have one version of Unity installed, then you will only see one entry. Find the Unity version you want to uninstall, click on the Menu (three horizontal dots) icon and select “Uninstall”.

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3. As soon as you click on the option, Unity Hub will show a confirmation window. Click on the “Uninstall” button to continue.

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4. The above action will start the uninstallation procedure. The entire procedure should be automatic. However, if you see any uninstall wizard, just follow it and you should be good.

5. After uninstalling, that specific Unity version will not appear in the Unity Hub. If you have only one version then you will see the generic welcome / setup screen.

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Uninstall Unity Hub from Windows 10

If you’ve uninstalled all the Unity installations then you might also want to uninstall Unity Hub. Only follow the below steps if you have no Unity versions installed on your system. If you have any, follow the above steps before uninstalling Unity Hub.

1. To uninstall the Unity Hub, we need to use the Settings app. For that, press Win + I to open the Settings app. You can also search for “Settings” in the start menu.

2. Once the Settings app has been opened, go to “Apps” and “Apps & Features”. On the right panel, you will see a search bar under “Apps & Features” section. Type “Unity Hub” to find the Unity Hub option.

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3. Click on the Unity Hub option to reveal more options. Now, click on the “Uninstall” button. You will see another small prompt. Click on the “Uninstall” button again.

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4. You will now see an uninstall wizard. Click on the “Next” button to continue.

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5. (optional) If the Unity Hub is running, you will see an error message. Simply click on the “Ok” button and the uninstaller will automatically close the running Unity Hub.

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6. After finishing the uninstallation, click on the “Finish” button and you are good to go.

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That is all. As you can see, uninstalling Unity and Unity Hub is pretty simple and straightforward.

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1 thought on “How to Completely Uninstall Unity and Unity Hub in Windows 10”

  1. Avatar for David

    This only works if you have not previously tried to uninstall by deleting the Unity Hub files. If you did delete the Unity Hub uninstall file, this will not work.

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