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How to Enable or Add Additional Fonts in Command Prompt

Want to enable additional font options in Command Prompt? Follow these steps to add new fonts to Command Prompt in Windows 10.

Over the years, the Command Prompt has improved a bit. I mean, Microsoft added new customization options, improved the settings area, and how Command Prompt deals with different situations. In fact, compared to older versions, the new Command Prompt is more forgiving and accepts several new fonts.

Even though the Command Prompt has improved a lot, it still cannot detect all the monospace fonts installed in Windows. This makes it so that you cannot use your favorite font in the Command Prompt. The good thing is, you can use a simple registry trick to force Command Prompt to add new fonts to the list of the available fonts. Once you add fonts to Command Prompt via the Registry Editor, you can enable it and use that specific font the command window.

Let me show you how.

Things You Should Know:

Before you can follow the below procedure, here are the few things you should know and do. 

  • The font should be a TrueType font (.ttf).
  • Font should be a monospace font.
  • The font you want to add or enable should already be installed in Windows.
  • You should know the name of the font. You can find from the Fonts page in the Settings app or Control Panel.
  • Not all monospace fonts are compatible with Command Prompt. This is true even if the target font meets all the above restrictions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Add or Enable Additional Fonts in Command Prompt

Like I said, to enable additional fonts in Command Prompt, we are going to use the Registry Editor. So, before proceeding any further backup the registry. This helps you restore it if anything goes wrong and if you want to restore the earlier settings.

1 . Open the “Registry Editor” by searching for it in the Start menu. After opening it, copy the below path, paste it in the address bar, and press “Enter“. This will take you to the console font list. In fact, you see all the default fonts on the right panel.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont


2. On the right panel, right-click on the empty space and select “New → String” value.


3. Name the string value as “01” and press Enter. If you already have a 01 value, then name it 02. Basically, you can name the new values like 01, 02, 03, and so on.


4. After creating the value, double-click on it. In the value data field, type in the name of the monospace font you want to add to the Command Prompt. Click on the “Ok” button to save changes.


5. Close the registry editor and reboot Windows.

After rebooting, open the Command Prompt window, right-click on the title bar, and select “Properties”. In the properties window, go to the Fonts tab and you should see the new font in the fonts list. Select the font and it will be applied to the Command Prompt. If you can’t see the font even after following the above procedure, it simply means that the Command Prompt doesn’t recognize the font. There is nothing much you can do in that case.

That is all. I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible.

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