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Download KB5016616 Offline Installer, Windows 10

KB5016616 is out for Windows 10. Here are the direct links to download KB5016616 offline installer for Windows 10.

After a few quiet weeks, Microsoft silently released a new cumulative update for Windows 10 called KB5016616. This is also a security update. That means the update contains quite a few security fixes and improvements. It also includes other general fixes and improvements if you haven’t installed previous cumulative updates.

Since the update contains a few security fixes, it is essential that you install KB5016616 as soon as possible to protect your computer from vulnerabilities and security bugs. General fixes and improvements of KB5016616 include but are not limited to file printing issues, input indicator & language bar issues, improvements to OS upgrade experience, improved compatibility with docking stations, fixes for Windows defender application control crashes, improvements to OneDrive cmdlets, improved language packs, and more.

To put it simply, the KB5016616 update is full of new general fixes, improvements, security fixes, and new features.

Table of contents:

Download KB5016616 offline installer

The KB5016616 update is available as an offline installer via the Microsoft Update Catalog website.

Go to this webpage, find your Windows 10 version, and click the “Download” button next. Another window or tab will open. Click the available link, and the offline installer is downloaded to your computer. After downloading, double-click on the installer and follow the wizard to install KB5016616. Remember that the update will only install if it is supported. Also, it might download additional updates or dependencies if required.

KB5016616 changelog

  • Addresses an issue that might cause the Local Security Authority Server Service (LSASS) to leak tokens. This issue affects devices that have installed Windows updates dated June 14, 2022 or later. This issue occurs when the device performs a specific form of service for user (S4U) in a non-Trusted Computing Base (TCB) Windows service that runs as Network Service.

  • Addresses an issue that creates a duplicate print queue. This causes the original print queue to lose functionality.

  • Addresses a known issue that might prevent the Input Indicator and Language Bar from displaying in the notification area. This issue affects devices that have more than one language installed.

That is it.

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