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Download KB4550945 Offline Installer for Windows 10

The optional KB4550945 update for Windows 10 v1909 and v1903 is out. Here are direct download links to the KB4550945 offline installer.

This is another patch Tuesday and Microsoft released another Windows 10 update with some fixes and improvements. Unlike the previous updates, KB4550945 is an optional update. Which means, the KB4550945 update will not install automatically. However, if you open the Settings app, you will see it under the Optional Updates sections, provided your system meets the requirements.

Like with all updates, you can install the update directly from the Settings app. Just open the Settings app, go to “Update & Security → Windows Update” and click on the “Check for updates” button. Once you do that, Windows will check for and install all the available updates.

If you want to download offline installers for the KB4550945 update, use the download links below. Offline installers are useful if your system is unable to connect to the internet or want to bulk install it on multiple systems.

Direct Download Links for KB4550945 Offline Installer

To make things easier for you, I found the direct download links for KB4550945 for both Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Depending on your system type, download the update using the below links and install it like any other Windows software. After installing, restart the system and you are good to go.

For v1903:

KB4550945 x84 (32-bit) offline installer (download size: 194.4 MB)

KB4550945 x64 (64-bit) offline installer (download size: 361.0 MB)

For v1909:

KB4550945 x86 (32-bit) offline installer (download size: 194.4 MB)

KB4550945 x64 (64-bit) offline installer (download size: 358.0 MB)

If you want KB4550945 download links for Windows Server, ARM64 based systems, or some other version the go to the Microsoft update catalog website to find the appropriate links. All you have to do is click on the Download button next to the appropriate version.

KB4550945 Change Log

Addresses an issue that prevents certain apps from opening after you upgrade from a previous version of Windows, and a Bad Image exception dialog box appears.

Addresses in an issue that turns off notifications for devices that use a virtual private network (VPN) on a cellular network.

Addresses an issue that prevents you from resuming a Microsoft Xbox game on a Windows device after upgrading from a previous version of Windows.

Addresses an issue that causes a box that contains multiple lines of text to stop responding in certain scenarios.

Addresses an issue that prevents the touch keyboard from appearing during sign in when the user is prompted for the password.

Addresses an issue that prevents the touch keyboard from opening in Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps when USB devices are connected.

Addresses an issue that displays incorrect folder properties in File Explorer when the path is longer than MAX_PATH.

Addresses an issue that prevents the correct lock screen from appearing when all of the following are true:

The Group Policy Object (GPO) policy “Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\Interactive Logon: Do not require Ctrl+Alt+Del Computer” is disabled.

The GPO policy “Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon\Turn off app notifications on the lock screen” is enabled.

The registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\DisableLogonBackgroundImage is set to 1.

Addresses an issue that generates unexpected notifications related to changing the default application settings.

Addresses an issue that causes the sign in screen to be blurry.
Addresses an issue that causes Windows Update to stop responding when you check for updates.

Addresses an issue that prevents the Sign in options page from opening using the ms-settings:signinoptions-launchfingerprintenrollment Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

Addresses an issue with Bluetooth group policy settings on Microsoft Surface Pro X devices.

Addresses an issue that causes a KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE (139) stop error when Windows resumes from Sleep and turns on certain Bluetooth headsets.

That is it.

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