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How to Completely Disable Lock Screen in Windows 10

To stop users from locking Windows 10 computer, follow the steps given below to disable the lock screen in Windows 10.

Any user in Windows can lock the system by pressing the “Win + L” keyboard shortcut. In fact, there are multiple ways to lock the Windows screen. This particular feature is very helpful when you are going away from the system but don’t want others to access it. When you lock the system, others will not be able to use the system if they don’t know the password or pin. If needed, you can also configure Windows 10 to lock automatically after some inactivity.

As good as the ability lock the screen is, there might be situations when you need to prevent lock screen in Windows 10. For example, in work environments, you might not want a specific computer from being locked as it will prevent other users from using it. This kind of scenario is also applicable to family computers where it is very common to share the same user account with multiple people.

No matter the reason, if you don’t want Windows to lock screen, you can simply disable Windows 10 lock screen.

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Group Policy to Disable Windows 10 Lock Screen – GPO

Windows 10 Pro users can use the Group Policy to disable the lock screen. Follow the steps as shown below.

  1. Click the Windows key to open the Start menu.
  2. Type “Edit group policy“.
  3. Click on the Edit Group Policy to open the Group Policy Editor.
  4. In the policy editor, go to the “Computer configuration → Administrative template → Control panel → Personalization” folder.
  5. Double-click on the “Do not display the lock screen” policy. You can find it on the right panel.
  6. Select the “Enabled” option.
  7. Click the “Apply” and “Ok” buttons.
  8. Close the group policy editor.
  9. Restart Windows 10.

After restarting the system, the modified policy is fully enabled. From this point onwards, no user on the system can lock Windows. To revert the change, set the policy status to “Not configured” in step 6.

Registry Key to Disable Lock Screen in Windows 10

By creating the “NoLockScreen” registry value, you can easily disable the Windows 10 lock screen. If you don’t have access to the group policy editor, follow this method.

  1. Open the Run window. You can press “Win + R” to open it.
  2. Type “regedit” and click “Ok“.
  3. After opening the Registry Editor, go to the below folder in it.
  4. Right-click on the “Windows” folder.
  5. Select “New → Key“.
  6. Name the new folder as “Personalization“.
  7. Right-click on the “Personalization” folder.
  8. Select the “New → DWORD value” option.
  9. Set the name as “NoLockScreen“.
  10. Double-click on the dword value you just created.
  11. Type “1” in the Value Data field.
  12. Click “Ok” to set the value.
  13. Close the Registry Editor.
  14. Restart Windows

After restarting the Windows, it will no longer allow users to lock the screen. With that, you’ve successfully disabled the Windows lock screen. To revert the change and enable the lock screen, delete the “NoLockScreen” value or change its Value Data to “0”.

That is all. I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible.

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