Home » How To » Windows 11: Disable Automatic Restart on System Failure

Windows 11: Disable Automatic Restart on System Failure

Key Takeaways:

  • Go to Settings > System > About page and click on the “Advanced system settings” option.
  • Click “Settings” under Startup and Recovery.
  • Uncheck “Automatically restart” and click “Ok.”
  • This will turn off automatic restart on system failure.

If you don’t want your computer to auto reboot on crashes, follow the steps shown below to disable automatic restart on system failure in Windows 11.

When your Windows device encounters a catastrophic or unrecoverable error, it crashes. On system failure, Windows will reboot automatically. Generally, this is a good thing and offers a good user experience since the computer restarts automatically and you can start working again and avoid the error.

However, there might be instances where you might want to disable this auto-restart functionality. For example, persistent errors can lead to a boot loop, and automatic restarts don’t provide sufficient time to read and analyze the crash error. Unless you know how to find and open BSoD logs, it can be hard to capture the error code and get troubleshooting help.

Thankfully, you can easily turn off automatic restart on system failure. Here’s how to do it.

Disable automatic restart in Windows 11

Follow the below steps to turn off auto restart on system failure in Windows 11.

Step 1: Open the Windows 11 Settings app.

Use the Windows key + I keyboard shortcut to launch the Windows 11 Settings app. There are other ways to open the Settings app on Windows 11. For instance, you can also open it from the Start menu or Quick Settings panel.

open Windows 11 settings from start menu

Step 2: Go to the System > About page in the Settings app.

After opening the Windows 11 Settings app, click on the “System” tab on the sidebar, scroll down the right pane, and click on the “About” option. This will take you to the About page.

click on about in Windows 11 settings system page

Step 3: Click on the “Advanced system settings” link on the right pane.

Click on the “Advanced system settings” link under the “Device specifications” section of the About page. If you see a User Access Control (UAC) pop-up, click “Yes” to confirm your action.

Note: If you are not an administrator. i.e., as a standard user, you have to type the administrator password.

click on advanced system settings link

Step 4: Click the “Settings” button under “Startup and Recovery.”

Once the Advanced System Settings (System Properties) window opens, make sure you are in the “Advanced” tab and click/tap on the “Settings” button under “Start and Recovery.”

click settings under startup and recovery section

Step 5: Uncheck the “Automatically restart” checkbox and save changes.

Uncheck the “Automatically restart” checkbox under the System Failure section of the Startup and Recovery window. Next, click/tap the “Ok” button to save the changes.

uncheck automatically restart checkbox to disable automatic restart on system failure

Step 6: Reboot your computer.

Finally, save all your work, close all open Windows, and reboot your computer. To do that, right-click on the Start menu and select the “Shut down or sign out > Restart” option.

restart Windows 11

Once the system has been restarted, your computer will not automatically restart on system failure. For example. if you encounter a BSoD error, the system will stay on the BSoD error screen until you restart the computer manually. As you can guess, this lets you see the error and take note of the error code and message. The error code helps you troubleshoot and narrow down the reason for the error.

It is that simple to disable automatic restart on system failure on Windows 11.

I hope this simple and easy Windows how-to guide helped you.

If you are stuck or need help, send an email, and I will try to help as much as possible.

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