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How to Change Game DVR Capture Folder Location in Windows 10

Using Game DVR, you can record the gameplay. If needed, you can even use the Game DVR to record your screen. By default, GameDVR stores all the recordings in the C drive. Depending on the recording resolution and length, the C drive space can fill up pretty quickly. To deal with this, you can change game DVR capture folder location in Windows 10. Let me show you how.

That being said, for whatever reason, in the Settings app the Game DVR page has no option to change the folder location. However, you can indirectly change the game DVR capture folder location by moving the said folder to the drive or partition you want. This is very similar to moving the Download folder. The good thing is, moving the folder is pretty simple and straightforward. Moreover, if you ever need, you can restore the default location too.

Change Game DVR Capture Folder Location to Save Space

1. First, open the file explorer.

2. Go to the drive where you would like to save the Game DVR files. Now, create a new folder with the name Captures. This is the folder we are going to use as the new Game DVR folder.

3. Next, go to the current game DVR captures folder. It is located in C:\Users\Username\Videos\. Don’t forget to replace Username with your actual Windows 10 username.

Related: Change username in Windows 10

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3. Now, right-click on the Captures folder and select the Properties option. This is where you will find all the relevant options to manage, share, secure, and move a folder.

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4. Since we want to change the Game DVR folder location, go to the Location tab. Here, click on the Move button.

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5. The above action will open the folder selection window. Go the drive or folder where you’ve created the new Captures folder, select it and click on the Select Folder button.

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6. In the main properties window, click on the Apply and Ok buttons to save changes.

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7. You will see an information prompt asking whether you’d like to move all the files from the old location to the new location. I recommend you to press the Yes button. That way, you will not miss any files and don’t have to deal with manually moving the files from old to the new location.

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8. That is it. You are done changing the game DVR folder location. If you open the Settings app and go to Gaming -> Captures, you will see the new folder location in the right panel. You can click on the Open Folder button to open the Captures folder in the new location.

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Restore Default Game DVR Location

In future, if you want to revert the changes and restore the default or original location, simply open the folder properties window, go to the Location tab and click on the Restore Default button.

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That is it.

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