Home » How To » 6 Best DNS Changer Software for Windows to Change DNS Easily

6 Best DNS Changers for Windows PC

To make DNS changes easy, we can use a DNS changer software. To get you started, here are the best DNS changer software for Windows.

A DNS server is responsible for translating human-readable web addresses like bing.com to its IP address like Without a proper DNS server, your web browser or other applications that access the internet cannot take you to the website or service you want. Considering the importance of the DNS server, most ISPs provide their own. However, more often than not, the ISP-provided DNS servers are slow and pretty unreliable. The good thing is that there are several third-party and free DNS services like Google Public DNS or Cloudflare DNS.

Generally, you can change DNS settings in Windows either from the Networking and Sharing Center or using the command line. However, the default way is pretty clunky and requires too many clicks. To make things easier, you can use the following software to change DNS settings quickly and reliably. So, without further ado, let me take you through the best DNS changer software for Windows.

Best DNS Changer Software for Windows

1. DNS Jumper

I’ve recommended DNS Jumper many times and I will do it again. DNS Jumper is one of my favorites when it comes to changing DNS settings in Windows. What makes DNS Jumper great is that it is free, the user interface is pretty simple and most of all, it requires no installation. Moreover, it has all the popular DNS services pre-configured. All you have to do is select the DNS service of your choice from the dropdown menu and apply the settings. Of course, if you have a custom DNS server address that is not available in DNS Jumper, you can manually add it and then create a preset for easy access.

So, if you are a Windows user, DNS Jumper is one of the must-have tools.



2. QuickSetDNS

If you are looking for lightweight, free, and portable software that doesn’t have that many bells and whistles then QuickSetDNS is for you. QuickSetDNS is from the developers of Nirsoft Utilities. In case you don’t, guys at Nirsoft create all kinds of little utility software for Windows. QuickSetDNS is one such software.

Though the UI and feature set is pretty minimal, it is still very powerful at what it does. Out of the box, QuickSetDNS supports three major DNS service providers Google, Cloudflare, and Quad9. You can choose any one of them and apply the DNS settings. If needed, you can add your own DNS entries from the “File → New DNS Server” option. To put it simply, if you are looking for a simple DNS changer application for Windows from a reputable developer then QuickSetDNS is for you.



3. Smart DNS Changer

As you can tell from the name itself, Smart DNS Changer is more than a simple DNS changer software for Windows. For one, it supports almost all major DNS providers and even gives you brief info about each DNS provider to help you choose the one useful for you. For example, if you want to protect yourself from malicious websites, you can connect to Comodo DNS or OpenDNS. In addition to that, the app also has other features like Kids Shield, Proxy Switcher, and MAC address changer.

Though the user interface is not that great, the features provided by Smart DNS Changer are pretty good. So, do give it a try and see how it works for you. Keep in mind that, unlike the first two tools, you need to install this software to use.



4. Public DNS Server Tool

Though the name sounds very basic, the tool is pretty nice and easy to use. The software supports more than 15 different DNS services out of the box. This includes Google Public DNS, Cloudflare DNS, and OpenDNS. To change the DNS setting, all you have to do is, select your network adapter, select the DNS address, and click on the “Change” button. That is it. Of course, like any other DNS changer, you can add your own DNS addresses. For example, your ISP’s DNS entries. When needed, you can even export and import DNS settings and entries with just a few clicks.



5. DNS Switch

If you are looking for a feature-filled DNS changer tool then DNS Switch is pretty good. Just like the other tools in this list, DNS Switch comes with a predefined DNS server setting and you can add custom DNS entries as required. Unlike other software in this list, when you change DNS, it is applied to all the network adapters. This eliminates the need to manually select a network adapter. Other than that, the software also has a built-in DNS benchmark tool. Using that tool, you can find the best and quickest DNS for your use case. For example, if you are a gamer, you might need a DNS service that has the lowest ping time.

Do keep in mind that the DNS Switch free version has some limitations. For example, you cannot benchmark DNS services or edit predefined DNS entries. That being said, if you just want to change DNS quickly then this software does the work for you without any hiccups.



6. NetSetMan

Unlike other software on this list, NetSetMan is more than than a simple DNS changer software. It boasts an impressive set of features ranging from IP address management, WiFi management, workgroup, network drives, DNS suffix, LAN settings, administrative tasks, network domain, proxy settings, etc. Simply put, this tool is for advanced users who want fairly good control over their Windows network settings. So, if you are looking for a network tool that does a lot more than changing DNS address then NetSetMan is for you.



That is all. I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible. If you like this article, do check out the best AutoHotKey scripts and how to enable DNS over HTTPS in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.

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