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How to Add Middle Click to Touchpad in Windows 10

With some simple configuration, you can easily add a middle click to the windows 10 touchpad. Here are the exact steps to follow.

Though the mouse middle click is largely ignored by many Windows users, it is one of the most useful buttons. This is especially true while browsing. Most people only know that the middle click is just used to scroll up and down or sideways by moving the mouse. However, do you know that you can use it to open links in a new tab and close tabs without directly pressing on the “X” icon? Now, I know these are just the two use cases but they are very helpful in day to day use.

If you are a middle-click user like me, you might be missing the middle-click functionality on Windows touchpads. Thankfully, you can configure Windows 10 to simulate the middle click on the touchpad. All you have to do is add the middle click to the touchpad as a three-finger tap.

This might sound a bit confusing but it is pretty easy to do. Just follow the steps given below to add the middle click to Windows 10 touchpad.

Steps to Add Middle-click Functionality to Touchpad in Windows 10

As long as your laptop supports the new Microsoft Precision Touchpad, you can configure the middle click on the touchpad. To put it simply, you can add the middle click as the three-finger tap. Follow the steps shown below.

  1. Click on the Notifications icon.
  2. Next, click on the “All Settings” button to open the Windows 10 Settings.
  3. After open the Settings, click on the “Devices” option.
  4. Select the “Touchpad” tab on the left panel. This is where the touchpad options are located.
  5. On the right panel, scroll down till you find the “Three-finger gestures” section.
  6. Next, select the “Middle mouse button” from the “Taps” dropdown menu.
  7. Close the Settings app.

The changes are automatically saved. From now on, you can tap on the touchpad with three fingers to middle-click. Sure this is not as intuitive as the actual mouse middle click but it works just fine thanks to the precision touchpad drivers.

If three-finger tapping is not to your liking, you can configure the middle click to four-finger tapping. You can find the same dropdown menu under the “Four-finger gestures” section.

My Laptop Has No Precision Touchpad

If your laptop doesn’t have a precision touchpad, then you might have to go about this a roundabout way. In general, along with the regular touchpad drivers, most laptop manufacturers also offer a touchpad configuration app. You can configure the touchpad middle-click behavior from there. Generally, you can find these settings directly in the Mouse Settings window.

On some specific laptops, you can install precision touchpad drivers even if Microsoft doesn’t officially support it. If you cannot install the precision touchpad drivers, you have to use the program provided by the laptop manufacturer.

That is all I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible.

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