Home » How To » [SOLVED]: Steps to Fix 0x800F0922 Update Error in Windows 10

[SOLVED]: Steps to Fix 0x800F0922 Update Error in Windows 10

0x800F0922 error is caused due to a misconfigured VPN or system reserved partition. These are the steps you should follow to solve or fix 0x800F0922 update error.

When upgrading Windows 10 to a newer version, you can sometimes see the 0x800F0922 update error. This error is caused when Windows cannot reach the Microsoft update servers due to a VPN connection. Once you disable the VPN connection or remove it entirely, the error should be fixed immediately.

Thankfully, the 0x800F0922 Windows 10 error is fairly easy to fix once you know the cause of the said error. Without further ado, follow the steps listed below to solve the 0x800F0922 error in Windows 10.

Steps to Fix 0x800F0922 Update Error

1. Disconnect VPN Connection

When using a VPN, the system might not be able to connect to the Windows update server. When that happens, Windows will show the 0x800F0922 network error. So, all you have to do is disconnect from the VPN.

Follow the steps below to disconnect VPN to fix Windows update error 0x800F0922.

  1. Click the “Network icon” on the taskbar.
    Open network flyout menu 0x800f0922 update error
  2. In the network flyout menu, click on the VPN connection.
  3. Now, click the “Disconnect” button.
    Disconnect vpn

As soon as you click the button, Windows will disconnect from the VPN. The 0x800F0922 error is now solved you can proceed to update Windows.

Delete or Remove VPN Connection

If disconnecting did not work, you can try removing it entirely. You can do that from the Settings.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to “Network & Internet“.
  3. Go to the “VPN” tab on the left panel.
  4. On the right panel, click on the VPN connection and click “Remove“.
    Remove vpn connection

As soon as you click the button, the VPN connection will be removed from Windows.

2. Check .NET Framework and Install Them

The 0x800F0922 can also be caused due to not having supported .NET framework in Windows 10. So, making sure you have all the .NET framework versions installed in your system should help solve the Windows update error.

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Search and open “Turn Windows features on or off“.
    Open windows features
  3. Here, select both “.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)” and “.NET Framework 4.8 Advanced Services” checkboxes.
    Install dotnet framework to fix windows update error
  4. Click on the “Ok” button.

Click on the ok button will install the missing .NET framework components. Once that is done, restart Windows 10. After restarting, the 0x800F0922 error will be fixed and you can proceed with the Windows 10 update or upgrade.

3. Disable or Turn Off Windows Firewall

Under certain circumstances, the Windows Firewall might be blocking Windows update service from connecting to the Microsoft servers. When that happens, Windows will show the 0x800F0922 firewall error.

To fix the problem, you have to temporarily disable the Windows Firewall. Here are the steps you should follow.

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Search and open “Windows Defender Firewall“.
    Open windows firewall - windows update error 0x800f0922
  3. Click on the “Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off” link on the left panel.
    Windows firewall status link
  4. Select “Turn off Windows Defender Firewall” radio option under both Public and Private network sections.
  5. Click on the “Ok” button.
    Disable windows firewall to fix 0x800f0922 error

As soon as you apply the changes, the firewall will be disabled. Since the firewall is no longer blocking the Windows update services from connecting to Microsoft update servers, the 0x800F0922 is fixed. You can now proceed to update Windows 10.

4. Repair Windows Installation

You can also repair the current Windows installation using the Command Prompt to solve the 0x800F0922 error. 

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Search for “Command Prompt“.
  3. Right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator“.
  4. Type the below command in the Command Prompt and press “Enter“.
    DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

As soon as you execute the command, DISM will scan the Windows installation and fixes the problems if it finds any. Once that is done, reboot the system. You should no longer face the 0x800F0922 error and be able to update Windows 10.

Since the 0x800F0922 error is fairly common when updating or upgrading Windows 10, the way to fix the problem is very simple and straight forward.

I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible. 

FAQ: 0x800F0922 Windows Update Error

What causes 0x800F0922 update error?

Some of the most common reasons for 0x800F0922 error are active or misconfigured VPN connection, misconfigured firewall, not having proper .NET framework installed and secure boot.

How do I fix the 0x800F0922 error in Windows?

Depending on the cause of the error, you might have to disconnect VPN, temporarily disable firewall, install proper .NET framework and temporariliy disable Secure Boot.

Does 0x800F0922 cause data loss due to failed update?

No. The error just prevents you from updating Windows 10. Other than that, there is no data loss whatsoever. Just follow the steps shown above and error will be fixed in no time.

2 thoughts on “[SOLVED]: Steps to Fix 0x800F0922 Update Error in Windows 10”

  1. Avatar for Milind Bhagwat

    I have installed one software which is designed for Dell and I am using Lenovo ideapad so it downloaded required for dell after that it started troubling

  2. Avatar for Renan Kaic Lopes
    Renan Kaic Lopes

    Great site and hints about this error! I still don’t understand how can Microsoft fail in such simple things like this.

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